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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

BuckeyeRob;602467; said:
Why? Isnt he a Texas grad? So the guy loves his school and his college football team. I doubt you would be saying that if he was an OSU grad rooting for the Buckeyes.

Its the fact that yes he did graduate there but just because he is famous he gets to stand on the sidelines. Im sure they wouldnt let that happen to even some boosters of Texas. That is why its a joke.
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One observation about last night that I wanted to address was the respect and unbelievable sportmanship shown by each team. I saw on at least three occassions where one of our kids was helped by one of theirs, or vice versa, and there was a lot of fiving, back slapping and great sportmanship all the way around. It almost seemed to me like the opposing teams wanted each other to keep bringing the wood.

I haven't seen the game film yet and I won't until later this week but I wonder if this was evident during the broadcast.

Did I mention that the pom-pom chaps girls were hot? :wink2:
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buckeye247;602477; said:
Its the fact that yes he did graduate there but just because he is famous he gets to stand on the sidelines. Im sure they wouldnt let that happen to even some boosters of Texas. That is why its a joke.
Unless I'm mistaken, LeBron was on our sideline...I don't think he's ever given squat to tOSU aside from being a fan.
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scooter1369;602501; said:
How do we know he didn't front the money to get TBDBITL to Austin?

Because the guy that did front that cash was public...his last name is Dennis, I think he owns the Dennis Car Dealerships in Columbus...

The only problem I have with Maconaughey or however the hell it is spelled is that he is a prolific pothead, and probably not the best celeb for Texas to have on the sideline after their very public marijuana issues that have occurred this year
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Who really invented couch burning? I seem to recall it as a UD thing back in the wild days of the Ghetto, but I don't know...I'm sheltered. I doubt the "Flyers" invented the act.

And...no...this thread can't die out just yet. Xray hasn't been on the site since 9/7. I think we all deserve one last explanation for why Texas actually dominated the Bucks by 20 some points when properly analyzed.
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HabaneroBuck;602525; said:
Who really invented couch burning? I seem to recall it as a UD thing back in the wild days of the Ghetto, but I don't know...I'm sheltered. I doubt the "Flyers" invented the act.

And...no...this thread can't die out just yet. Xray hasn't been on the site since 9/7. I think we all deserve one last explanation for why Texas actually dominated the Bucks by 20 some points when properly analyzed.

I for one would love to see xray's 6-Sigma analysis - I need a good laugh :)

Seriously, xrayrandy may be our resident Blowhard Stat man for the Texas series, but you have to respect his passion. (Even if his focus is too much on the numbers).

So C'mon down randy - tell us the story from the 'Horn point of view.
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Buckeyeskickbuttocks;602543; said:
I must be lame, cause I've never considered lighting anything on fire simply because OSU won a football game. I don't understand how a win justifies being a moron and engaging in property damage.

I don't think my couch in college would have burned...Im surprised it didnt just melt anyway.
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