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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Sorry if this has already been posted.

No ordinary Smith

By Terry Bowden, Yahoo! Sports
September 10, 2006

AUSTIN, Texas ? This is what I love about being a color commentator for college football. I get to go to all the great games and take in the great environments.
I should have known Texas was in for a tough night when I heard 40,000 Ohio State fans had come to town even though the Buckeyes were allotted only 4,000 tickets. I guess there was some great tailgating outside the stadium during the game.
Anybody who has been reading my articles on Yahoo! Sports the last 16 months knows that I place great value on having a veteran quarterback for national championship contenders. This game was a perfect example why.
Just as Vince Young was the difference maker for Texas last year, sensational senior quarterback Troy Smith looks to be the man who can lead Ohio State all the way.
As I sat after the game and thought about the differences between Ohio State and Texas, it was clear Smith is the main one. He's a great athlete who not only can throw the ball like a classic drop-back passer but also run with the legs of a tailback.
It seemed that no matter what happened on any play, Smith could get in position to make something good happen. With that kind of advantage over a redshirt freshman quarterback (Colt McCoy) at Texas, it soon became clear the Buckeyes ? not the Longhorns ? would have a chance to play for the ultimate prize.
Ohio State's game plan was to pass on an aggressive Texas defense, and Smith picked the Texas secondary apart. For some reason the Longhorns couldn't cover the inside slot receiver, and Anthony Gonzalez had a career night. Every time Texas tried to keep it close, Smith either kept the drive going and controlled field position or got another score.
The OSU defense that many thought would be suspect because of nine new starters showed its first game against Northern Illinois was not a true indication of how good it could be. The young, talented Buckeye defense kept a young, talented Texas offense from making any big plays the entire night. It's a different Longhorn offense from the one that averaged 50 points per game last season, but still ? no big plays.
Taking away the big play eventually put pressure on a young quarterback to make something happen.
Though Texas clearly is a lesser team without Young, the Longhorns still have enough to win the Big 12 championship and play in a Bowl Championship Series game. But it's Ohio State which now must stay focused every week as it tries to stay No. 1.
There are a few obstacles along the way to the national championship game Jan. 8, including Iowa and Michigan. But the Buckeyes will be favored in every game. They have a superstar in Ted Ginn Jr. who can score at any time and also have a tailback, Antonio Pittman, who gives them a solid run attack. More importantly they've got a defense that can stop the best of offenses. And oh yeah, a great veteran quarterback.
I'm not sure this OSU team is as talented overall as the title team of five years ago. But this Buckeye quarterback is far superior to Craig Krenzel, and because of that I believe Ohio State has to be the front runner for the national championship.

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scooter1369;602326; said:
We must eridacte these couch extremists. Columbus is the focal point and epicenter of this war on living room furniture. We will stay the course, along with our allies in Morgantown, until the threat of three man seating and teenage necking has been eliminated.

There is a song on our local rock station WDVE here about Morgantown to the tune of Burning Down The House,by the Talking Heads! They call it Burning Down The Couch! Dumb but funny!:tongue2:
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scooter1369;601939; said:
A few thoughts from last night:

1: Pizza at Minelli's is pretty good
2: The chicks working at Expressway are really cute
3: SIMV is a fucking pimp
4: jwins and his fiance(wife?) are really great people.
5: Cold beer is good.
6: Shots after a Buckeye Touchdown are even better
7: I have to do this more often

Great win for our boys and our program.

1: Any pizza during a Buckeye victory while drinking massive amounts of beer is good.
2: What did you expect? Bea Arthur?
3: Pimpin aint easy, but it is necessary
4: Couldn't have said it better myself... I think the misses was a little worried that I might knock her over while high fiving everyone :lol:
5: Yes
6: Shots are always good
7: My liver hurts
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Some thoughts on the game.

Great punting. A.J. always gave the defense plenty of room to work with.

The defense as a whole did an admirable job. I've seen some Texas fans lament Davis going to the east-west passing game. It should be noted that Wolfe and NIU ran the east-west passing game extremely effectively last week. I can certainly see why Davis would've been licking his chops after he saw Wolfe gash us for 100+ receiving yards by getting him open in space. Davis shouldn't be blamed here, rather the buckeye D should be congratulated for doing an outstanding job of covering those short east-west passes that were such a problem last week. Great improvement from a week ago!

The O-lines. Great job from the lines (both the first and second string) giving Troy time to throw against one of the best D-lines in the nation. If this is the sort of performance we can expect every week it's going to be a very successful season.

Troy Smith the passer: A surgeon with the pigskin, he was finding the open man all night and not making risky throws. If his first read was covered he'd just move on down the line. Now, thanks to texas basically ignoring Gonzo he usually only had to get to his second read, but hey, that's not Troy's fault.
Troy Smith the runner: He looked a step slower than last year, not as quick making a cut or juke once he'd left the pocket on a run (though it happened very rarely). There was 1 or 2 plays where I think '05 TS would've picked up the 1st with his feet while '06 TS didn't. Could just be early in the season though.

Our secret weapon isn't so secret any more. Gonzo had a great game, and will force D coords to pay attention to him from now on. Of course I thought the same thing after the '04 michigan game, and at various points in the '05 season, and yet Chizick apparently didn't feel he was worth worrying about so maybe D coords will continue to ignore him. I'm sure Gonzo doesn't mind catching wide open passes all game.

Pittman had another solid game. A real workhorse at running back, and he protects the football. He doesn't get enough credit for the way he takes care of the football especially in big games. I don't remember the last time he had a fumble which probably means he hasn't had a fumble in a while and when he did it wasn't in a big game...Or it means my memory's going.

Jenkins was amazing. True sophmore making a big-time play on the ball that was intended for Sweed in the endzone. I was originally going to say he made a play on Sweed, but Jenkins had that ball and without Sweed interfering with him probably would've had a pick.

I don't think JL can be called "Little" Animal any more, he was a beast. The interception was a freshman throw into coverage, but the forced fumble was JL going the extra mile to make the big play on defense. While on the subject, I'd like to give some great hands recognition to Donald Washington for the way he scooped up the bouncing ball and took off. If we're ever in an on-sides kick situation I'd want Washington out there.
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Kueller;602430; said:
Pittman had another solid game. A real workhorse at running back, and he protects the football. He doesn't get enough credit for the way he takes care of the football especially in big games. I don't remember the last time he had a fumble which probably means he hasn't had a fumble in a while and when he did it wasn't in a big game...Or it means my memory's going.

You were knocking on wood when you typed this, right? :wink:
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Nytejag;602245; said:
Very true MB. I just hope we don't have to wait another 100+ years before we play each other again. This could be a great home/home every 5 years or so.
Unfortunately our "premier" OOS slots are booked through 2017 with the likes of USC, Miami (Fl), Cal, Va Tech, and Oklahoma (each a home/away series). I'd love to see Ohio State and Texas reserve slots on their schedules in 2018 and 2019 for another home/away series.

sandgk;602290; said:
You and I are of the same mind on the Okie vs Buckeye series parallels.

(Given out too much rep in the last 24 hours, else you would see a minor pop on your green, thanking our visiting Horn fans took its toll :) )
Feel free to keep me in mind when you can rep again. :biggrin:
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cant call it;602225; said:
yeah i seen that 2. What did he say about Ginn going out of bounds?

D Stanly what ever he said it was all wrong.
idk, stanly said what i've heard from alot of people and made a very good point, if you have a ounce of daylight you attack it. I don't disagree with that and while I understand not wanting to get hurt, Ginn runs out of bounds instead of cutting it in or up field. He has the speed of Reggie Bush, and if he were to start cutting it in, with his speed.. it'd be scary. Obviously he;s not as big as reggie but always ducking tackles and running out of bounds isn;t the way to do things as a reciever, IMO
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Bleed S & G;602443; said:
idk, stanly said what i've heard from alot of people and made a very good point, if you have a ounce of daylight you attack it. I don't disagree with that and while I understand not wanting to get hurt, Ginn runs out of bounds instead of cutting it in or up field. He has the speed of Reggie Bush, and if he were to start cutting it in, with his speed.. it'd be scary. Obviously he;s not as big as reggie but always ducking tackles and running out of bounds isn;t the way to do things as a reciever, IMO
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