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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

OSUsushichic;602312; said:
Is Bill still alive? :p

I'm looking forward to his thoughts on the game.

Last I saw of him, I think he had finished his bag of Shiner Bock (and no telling how many he drank from the tailgate supply :biggrin: ) and was headed over to some other tailgates. He had a very early flight this morning, so he's probably back home by now taking a nap or something.
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Taosman;602319; said:
You would think that from what people make it sound like, there wouldn't be ANY couches left for football viewing! :smash:

We must eridacte these couch extremists. Columbus is the focal point and epicenter of this war on living room furniture. We will stay the course, along with our allies in Morgantown, until the threat of three man seating and teenage necking has been eliminated.
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Dryden;602296; said:
Agree, especially on the part of the halftime interview. When Lisa Saulters asked about the personal foul on J-Rich that set up the Texas TD, Tressel simply dispatched that with, "The officials have to protect the quarterback." Complete class. I imagine 100 other D1A coaches would've exploded into a tirade about the officials. I cannot fathom someone like John L Smith or Lloyd Carr dismissing that call and moving on.

Exactly. It just shows how great of a coach we have. and really, what tressel did was exactly what needed to be done. because if he lingers on that call (which isn't going to be reversed) it hurts our team in the second half. In my mind, tressel completly defused the situation with that comment. I was all hyped up on mountain dew and was ready to come at the refs like a spider monkey (yeah, I stole that from Talladega Nights). but after tressel said that, I was like "well, tressel thinks its okay, and so do I"
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Good Game!

it was a fun weekend, sucks to lose, but you guys deserved the game. I thought we were a little conservative on offense, and that fumble on the 2 killed us. Saw many Buckeyes, bought plenty of beer, and had a good time.

Now run the table!

Good Luck the rest of the season

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Horn92;602346; said:
it was a fun weekend, sucks to lose, but you guys deserved the game. I thought we were a little conservative on offense, and that fumble on the 2 killed us. Saw many Buckeyes, bought plenty of beer, and had a good time.

Now run the table!

Good Luck the rest of the season


Thanks for the good wishes. It was a hell of a game. Good luck through the Big XII schedule.
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