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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

What's driving me nuts, and I probably should've expected this, is every article I've read apologizes for Texas and takes as much as they can away from our win. Give us some fucking credit, assholes!

Edit-I guess I'm overreacting. Not meant as a flame though.
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I've read plenty of articles and hornfans posts that give OSU full credit (expecting ESPN to be intelligent is a pretty foolish approach). I also remember plenty of what-if's when the shoe was on the other foot last year.
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kinch;602164; said:
I feel this might deserve a thread; this type of behavior is not isolated to this game.

I see no way of tackling this problem, but it is a problem.

And it is an embarrassing one.
love it or hate it, setting couches on fire after big wins is an Ohio State tradition... they've been doing it since the '60s, and they'll continue...
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jwinslow;602177; said:
I also remember plenty of what-if's when the shoe was on the other foot last year.
yes, exactly.. everyone is the same, we gave credit to young, as they are to smith but still felt we beat ourselves for the most part (at least I felt that). However the score was a coin flip last year.

and Mark May is a straight up asshole.

"I guess I'm not doing my job good enough. Texas WILL win this game."
Guess not Mark. But I could of told you that a couple years ago.

On a good note, i won a bet that we win by 17 or more. Very stupid bet to make, but none the less :oh:
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lvbuckeye;602198; said:
love it or hate it, setting couches on fire after big wins is an Ohio State tradition... they've been doing it since the '60s, and they'll continue...
If students we're back it would of been worse IMO.. same if it were a home game.

Bethel Rd was noon traffic at midnight with everyone honking there horns. The apartments lawns down along bethel were littered with dancing people, Columbus was rocking
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Maybe I'm overreacting as usual about the articles.


Been there before.
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scooter1369;602169; said:
Just after this guy's first two posts, I viewed it as a flame.

Deety;602171; said:

BuckeyeRyn;602188; said:
Can we make it in triplicate? :biggrin:

User "moomsalon" = user "boobird", another troll. I merged the two accounts, leaving "boobird" in place, as that username seems to be a better fit for him/her.
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An absolutely excellent write-up about the Buckeyes famous victory in Austin by "The Hog"

The Hog Week 2

I'm not going to copy over the whole thing - suggest you follow the link and visit his site. (In fact I think it may be a candidate to add to our links section on the front page).

Here is one part that just cracked me up :)

It?s become almost as great of a joy watching ESPN ?alleged? expert analyst Mark May eat crow after each successive OSU victory as it is to actually watch OSU win the games. The Hog can understand May antagonizing the OSU faithful with his jive shtick in order to get some buzz and increase ratings. Former ESPN talking head Trev Alberts was a master of it, too. But after OSU continued to win through the 2002 and 2003 seasons, Alberts realized that creating ?buzz? by making outlandish and inaccurate statements about OSU and infuriating their massive fan base wasn?t worth the credibility that he was losing as an analyst, and he stopped.
May, and goofball Jim Rome talk show backup Skip Bayless, obviously have not gotten to that point and they incessantly rip the Buckeyes at the expense of their increasingly dwindling credibility. They have become spoofs of themselves. The smile and smirk when they bash OSU, but they don?t realize that the rest of the nation isn?t laughing with them ? we are laughing at them.
The rest of that article is as good or better than the above snippet. Enjoy!
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