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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Mr. Incredible;602034; said:
Did anyone else get annoyed by the Herrington's and the Colt McCoy "Hero" story? As I was watching that lady's hefty tits bounce up and down like a karaoke machine follow-the-words ball, I came close to wishing that someone would've pushed those 'tards into the lake again.

I'm going to hell. :bonk:
right along with the telling over and over about how the def coor had won 29 straight games. How many times did you hear them say that Heacock had won 11 games. Also I absolutely loved the way that ABC had text voting going on about how Quinn is the heisman winner again and /or ND will win the NC. ALL BEFORE THE BUCKEYES WERE DONE:)
Other than that Im happy!:biggrin:
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elliemae;601996; said:
On ESPN U the one dude on the right did could not even say Lauranaitis' name correctly this morning & in his opinion he thinks USC should #1! :smash: :pissed: Even the Mr. was watching that with me & said they just won"t accept that we are #1!!!!!! He said that was horse $hit for him to say USC should be #1!!!
Hey opinions are like @$$holes,everybody has one!:biggrin:

This is hard to fathom. I guess the USC glamour works even on a bye week. tOSU just has to take care of business and comments like this will not matter much.

It looks like it will be a good thing to play PSU early. It looks like they have some work to do this year to get back to where that program is normally at.

In my mind tOSU just put a stake in the heart of the number #2 team to cement their ownership of the #1 spot at this time in the season. The have some excellent things going for them. They will still need to work to get better and prove that they can play at a high level every game of the season. I, myself, am optimistic at this point.
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scarletngrey11;602037; said:
Jenkins and Washington= Studs.

Jenkins almost completely shut down Sweed, not an easy task at all because he is one of the best wide recievers in the game.

Jenkins also laid the wood a few times... He is the definition of an OSU corner, big, fast, and loves to hit.
You surely are not trying to tell me that a 3 star shut down a 5 star, all american, Heisman candidate wide receiver all by himself???
SAY IT AIN'T SOOOOOO:biggrin: :biggrin:
btw I thought Jenkins had that interception until the ball came out right at the end.
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Best Buckeye;602040; said:
right along with the telling over and over about how the def coor had won 29 straight games.
EDSBS had a great comment that they were forecasting Texas to lose this game because Lee Corso kept harping on the 'Chizik has won 29 in a row' angle. The EDSBS theory is that Lee Corso is like the canary in a mine shaft: When Corso finally takes notice, something really bad is about to happen to you (Exhibit A: Cal's flop against Tenn in Week 1).
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Some think we may have a letdown game next week, but I cant see that happening with Troy as our leader.

Our defense will look even more improved next week, its easier to go to work the next day knowing you just beat the #2 team in the country in their house...
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Dryden;602047; said:
EDSBS had a great comment that they were forecasting Texas to lose this game because Lee Corso kept harping on the 'Chizik has won 29 in a row' angle. The EDSBS theory is that Lee Corso is like the canary in a mine shaft: When Corso finally takes notice, something really bad is about to happen to you (Exhibit A: Cal's flop against Tenn in Week 1).
In that case I hope Corso never picks us again.
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akronbuck;602055; said:
:osu: had King Lebron James, Eddie George and Chris Carter on the sidelines
THat was kinda funny. they had the camera on them (supposedly) from the rear and I said to myself "thats not Eddie". well they reset the cameras and Eddie had moved , but they did find Chris.
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Dryden;602047; said:
EDSBS had a great comment that they were forecasting Texas to lose this game because Lee Corso kept harping on the 'Chizik has won 29 in a row' angle. The EDSBS theory is that Lee Corso is like the canary in a mine shaft: When Corso finally takes notice, something really bad is about to happen to you (Exhibit A: Cal's flop against Tenn in Week 1).

I told everyone that was watching the game with me right after Corso picked them.....

"Texas has now been marked with death."
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