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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

OSUsushichic;602048; said:
McConaughey was definitely coked up! He was a friggin' jumping bean down there on the sidelines!
LOL Does anyone remember Regis Philbin being interviewed during the 95 or 96 ND game and he is yelling about how ND is gonna win and at the same time Glenn is running down the sideline for about an 81 yard TD. Too dang funny.
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They just never quit.

Wright's SportingBlog Next weekend's football gets even better
September 8, 2006
Though this Saturday's battle between Ohio State and Texas is the first regular season battle of the top two ranked teams in the nation in 10 years, it's the following weekend that will go further in setting the tone for the rest of the college football season. Besides, for those going as far as to say that Austin's matchup of Bucks and Horns is for the national championship, I'll see you that and raise you the late November tussle in Los Angeles between Notre Dame and USC.

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The voice of the Buckeyes

Well this is not a bash thread on the game announcers but they don't even say the names right ect...
I hated the delay last night with the game cause i was so mad at ESPN for swinging on the Texas lonhorns gonads that almost every comment was, they are so great, McCoy is the real deal. To top it off Lee Corso picked the Longhorns. Did he ever change his tune after the game was over.

I posted this once before
http://www.buckeyeplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=15872&highlight=the+voice+of+buckeyes , but after yesterday announcers pre game and during the game i hate ESPN even more with a passion, just like I love the buckeyes with a passion.
Ever since the 80's I have always turned down the tv and grabbed my walkman and listened to the pre-game show and the radio announcers.
Then it's game time with Paul Keels, Jim Lachey. I love the inside info they you dont get with the tv and the post game is Awesome.
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I actually had a lengthy post written up at 2am last night, but I didn't submit it because it was full of drunk knee-jerk reactions.

Congrats to OSU. They made plays when it counted, Texas didn't.

I am still pissed off at our coaching staff. Why did Davis decide to get cute and quit running the ball? And I don't think he reverted to 2002 Greg Davis (despite the numerous 4yd hitches), I think he tried too hard to keep the offense the same as it was in 2005. Fuck balance, after that first drive I thought we'd run the ball 50 times. Apparently not.

Even with better offensive production, it still wouldn't have mattered. TS would have thrown for 400+ if the game was closer. Chizik had absolutely no answer. Great gameplan from OSU, a Heisman-like performance from TS, and fantastic performances from Ginn and Gonzo. Why is Brandon Foster giving Ginn a 10 yard cushion on the Texas 20 yard line, especially since he has safety help? I almost lost it after seeing that.

Finally, I was wrong bout Colt. I thought he had "it". He still might, but "it" I suppose won't become apparent for another year. Until then, we need changes on offense and for our secondary to wear fire-retardant uniforms.

Again, congrats on the win. Looked like the OSU fans here had a great time.
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EngineerHorn;602088; said:
I actually had a lengthy post written up at 2am last night, but I didn't submit it because it was full of drunk knee-jerk reactions.

Congrats to OSU. They made plays when it counted, Texas didn't.

I am still pissed off at our coaching staff. Why did Davis decide to get cute and quit running the ball? And I don't think he reverted to 2002 Greg Davis (despite the numerous 4yd hitches), I think he tried too hard to keep the offense the same as it was in 2005. Fuck balance, after that first drive I thought we'd run the ball 50 times. Apparently not.

Even with better offensive production, it still wouldn't have mattered. TS would have thrown for 400+ if the game was closer. Chizik had absolutely no answer. Great gameplan from OSU, a Heisman-like performance from TS, and fantastic performances from Ginn and Gonzo. Why is Brandon Foster giving Ginn a 10 yard cushion on the Texas 20 yard line, especially since he has safety help? I almost lost it after seeing that.

Finally, I was wrong bout Colt. I thought he had "it". He still might, but "it" I suppose won't become apparent for another year. Until then, we need changes on offense and for our secondary to wear fire-retardant uniforms.

Again, congrats on the win. Looked like the OSU fans here had a great time.

very well put and it shows nothing but class brother. Good luck to the longhorns rest of the year.
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Ah, Mili, I've been waiting for your first "entertainment segment comment" on the nature of idiots. Very apt wordage for the jumping jackass on the Horn's sideline.

Little noticed by media writeups: number of Buckeyes rotated into game on both sides of the ball. Quite amazing. I'm anxious to find out minutes played by each of our players during the game...if such a thing exists. This must really pump-up the newbies, and obviously provide game experience to a large segment of the team. Tressel and staff are as progressive as ever in college football strategies.

Saw a couple of shots of TS "getting into" some Buck players' head gear...tough love or something was go'n on.
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It wasn't even a half hour after the game that the talking heads were saying that Texas was over rated and we probably weren't really the best team in the country! :pissed:
Fuckin' idiots!

Of note in the game were how well so many backups played!
And the tackling was much improved.
Don Washington looked solid. A. Smith looked solid, again. I think he played nickel quite a bit. A. Russell looked solid.

The area of concern still appears to be outside backer. Guys got walled off and were late to read. It will get better. It had better!
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Fires set at Ohio St. after football win

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in Ohio State University student neighborhoods, and three people were struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.

There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.
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moomsalon;602119; said:
Fires set at Ohio St. after football win

COLUMBUS, Ohio - Couches and mattresses were set on fire outside houses in Ohio State University student neighborhoods, and three people were struck by a car following the No. 1-ranked Buckeyes' 24-7 win over No. 2 Texas on Saturday night.

There were 35 to 40 fires set in student neighborhoods, said Columbus police Sgt. David Howson, whose department arrested about 17 people, five of them on arson charges. A trash bin also was set ablaze, burning two nearby cars, he said.

We have an official thread for this game discussing this.
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