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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

I think both sides would agree that if Texas pulls this one out, it would be up to the running game to have a huge game. Even if Texas has success in the air, I just don't see a freshman slugging it out with a Heisman candidate and win the battle. Therefore, I think what you do is identify the guys who are running all the field and hitting hard and put them on the field on Saturday. The depth chart ought to be wide open for everyone this week.
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One of my major concerns with our defense is that it seemed like no one was taking charge of the huddle, and at times they seemed to be runnning around with their heads cut off before the play. We need someone in the linebacker corps to step up and take over that defense this week. I'm thinking that Freeman could be that guy, time will tell.
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That's probably because you're a frickin' idiot...

We'll know who's the idiot in just over 6 days.

I disagree that the Texas offense and tOSU defense are unknowns. If N. Ill can run up 350 yards on tOSU, Texas will have 400+.

As far as the other matchup goes, both teams bring back a similar amount of talanet and have improved to a similar degree, so I think it's a push. In other words I expect tOSU to get about the same amount of yards as last year (255).

If those numbers are true then tOSU needs turnovers and big special teams plays to win. During the Off season I said that Texas should be a 14-17 point favorite. Well tOSUs defense is worse than I thought, and Colt is better than I thought he would be so I'm revising it up a TD to 21-24 (given 0 net turnovers and similar field position).
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If those numbers are true then tOSU needs turnovers and big special teams plays to win. During the Off season I said that Texas should be a 14-17 point favorite. Well tOSUs defense is worse than I thought, and Colt is better than I thought he would be so I'm revising it up a TD to 21-24 (given 0 net turnovers and similar field position).
somehow I doubt you'd put your money where your huge mouth is...
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We'll know who's the idiot in just over 6 days.

I disagree that the Texas offense and tOSU defense are unknowns. If N. Ill can run up 350 yards on tOSU, Texas will have 400+.

As far as the other matchup goes, both teams bring back a similar amount of talanet and have improved to a similar degree, so I think it's a push. In other words I expect tOSU to get about the same amount of yards as last year (255).

If those numbers are true then tOSU needs turnovers and big special teams plays to win. During the Off season I said that Texas should be a 14-17 point favorite. Well tOSUs defense is worse than I thought, and Colt is better than I thought he would be so I'm revising it up a TD to 21-24 (given 0 net turnovers and similar field position).

Shit Vince Young came back to Texas?
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During the Off season I said that Texas should be a 14-17 point favorite. Well tOSUs defense is worse than I thought, and Colt is better than I thought he would be so I'm revising it up a TD to 21-24 (given 0 net turnovers and similar field position).

21-24 point favorites? Your qb is good but he's not Troy Smith - senior who has won big games in crunch time. Also, the running back NIU had on the field last week was better than any rb in your depth chart. Be careful about SWAGing predictions for this week. I think it is going to be close like last year and I think Austin is going to be very surprised at OSU fan turnout.
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We'll know who's the idiot in just over 6 days.

I disagree that the Texas offense and tOSU defense are unknowns. If N. Ill can run up 350 yards on tOSU, Texas will have 400+.

As far as the other matchup goes, both teams bring back a similar amount of talanet and have improved to a similar degree, so I think it's a push. In other words I expect tOSU to get about the same amount of yards as last year (255).

If those numbers are true then tOSU needs turnovers and big special teams plays to win. During the Off season I said that Texas should be a 14-17 point favorite. Well tOSUs defense is worse than I thought, and Colt is better than I thought he would be so I'm revising it up a TD to 21-24 (given 0 net turnovers and similar field position).

Terrible analysis. Just Terrible.
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Ill tell you who is going to win the game right now, this is how close i think it will be ready.
Tails- Bucks
Heads- texas

winner- Bucks are going to win sorry xGAY this is probably a more reliable way that listening to your bull shit.
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We'll know who's the idiot in just over 6 days.

I disagree that the Texas offense and tOSU defense are unknowns. If N. Ill can run up 350 yards on tOSU, Texas will have 400+.

As far as the other matchup goes, both teams bring back a similar amount of talanet and have improved to a similar degree, so I think it's a push. In other words I expect tOSU to get about the same amount of yards as last year (255).

If those numbers are true then tOSU needs turnovers and big special teams plays to win. During the Off season I said that Texas should be a 14-17 point favorite. Well tOSUs defense is worse than I thought, and Colt is better than I thought he would be so I'm revising it up a TD to 21-24 (given 0 net turnovers and similar field position).

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Selvin Young didnt even average 4 yards a carry against the vaunted UNT rush defense. Charles averaged a somewhat impressive 5.5 yards a carry, but comparing the UNT rush defense to the OSU rush defense is foolish, even though they didnt have a great showing based on Saturday.

EDIT: FWIW, I watched the entire UNT and Texas game, and you would have a tough time finding a DL that was slower off of the ball than the UNT DL.
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College football is the only sport where one player can truly change the game, Hence Texas of last year they would have lost 3 games if they did not have VY. I think since they are starting a freshman and we have a great 5th year senior who shines in the spot light we will win.
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I disagree... this sounds like 'we have much to learn and improve upon to handle the rest of the season.'
I think we're on the same wavelength, Josh.
It's just a difference in language.
Same idea.
Tress really, really like to teach and loves it when there are lessons to be learned. :biggrin:

What does this mean for next week?
Maybe we take a hit so the team can learn what it takes to compete at the highest levels of college football.
Lose a battle to win a war.
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