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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

Registered User
Posts: 135
(8/29/06 8:45:26 am)
Re: Ohio State - 2 Deep Other than Jenkins the backfield is really weak. The linevbackers are not much better. This is going to be fun.

I can understand him saying the secondary is weak other then Jenkins but he's flat out wrong about the linebackers. I think they'll be very good especially since we should have one of the best d-lines in the country which will allow them to make plays.
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One of the downfalls of presumptive analysis is when the data going in is flat wrong, or even merely slanted. This is just such an example.

xrayrandy is setting himself up for a fall with that pithy and dismissive synopsis.
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Not the strongest of QBs... :wink:


[FONT=arial,helvetica] Texas head football coach Mack Brown, left, talks with quarterback Colt McCoy during the Longhorns workout Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2006, in Austin, Texas. McCoy has been named starting quarterback for the season opener against North Texas on Saturday. (AP Photo/Harry Cabluck)[/FONT]
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What position makes an offense go?


Name the position that makes a D go....

There isn't 1 position that a D requires each and every snap.

What I'm meaning to say, of course, is not that D isn't important - quite the contrary. What Im saying is, you will have a green Frosh touch the ball every play. If OSU has some newbie LB get burned on a play, he may "get away with it" (as the play went somewhere else) and he'll also have help. If the QB screws up, everyone knows it.

Maybe the fact that 9 will be starters for the first time is enough to ofset the difference.

I am a pessimist and I know that Troy Smith is a gamer. He will be tough.

Is it true that 40,000 buckeye fans will come to Austin with only 4000 with tickets to the game? That will be fun. I am sure that you guys will enjoy Austin. It is one of the best college towns in the nation.

Looking forward to Sept. 9.

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