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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

how do you know he won't make the qb carousel mistake again?
I've been speculating since the scrimmage that Snead won't be playing in the OSU game because of his tendency to force throws. Well, today one of the paysites I subscribe to said that the coaches are saying that the goal for the North Texas game is to get Colt prepared for Ohio State. So don't be surprised if you don't see Jevan much in either game.
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I am so pumped for this game!!!!! I will be in austin on the friday before the game! Can't wait to party with all the fellow buckeye fans! Turn the city of Austin into a huge ohio party :oh:

My avatar is a shirt i made for this game! Some have probably seen it around, but if not i had some made and will be selling them in austin and in columbus at the first game!!!

Go Bucks:osu:
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This game is taking on the feeling of a bowl game for Buckeye fans. My friend was on the fence regarding whether or not to go, but then he heard about the Skull Session in UT's basketball arena and that sealed the deal for him...bought his tickets on ebay the next day.

My question to Texas fans...what would you think if Ohio State and Texas played each other every year, second week of September?
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you left me hanging! I did the :oh: and of course the next person is supposed to do the :io: ! come on get with it :tongue2:

This game is taking on the feeling of a bowl game for Buckeye fans. My friend was on the fence regarding whether or not to go, but then he heard about the Skull Session in UT's basketball arena and that sealed the deal for him...bought his tickets on ebay the next day.

My question to Texas fans...what would you think if Ohio State and Texas played each other every year, second week of September?
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for those going to the game, where are your seats? anyone go through tickets galore for their tickets? We did and haven't gotten them yet, I guess texas hasn't released them yet! Such a bummer! Kinda stinks part of my family is leaving on saturday and driving just taking their time and they might not have tickets before leaving, good thing i'm not going until thursday before game!
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for those going to the game, where are your seats? anyone go through tickets galore for their tickets? We did and haven't gotten them yet, I guess texas hasn't released them yet! Such a bummer! Kinda stinks part of my family is leaving on saturday and driving just taking their time and they might not have tickets before leaving, good thing i'm not going until thursday before game!

Texas has released their tickets... a few weeks ago, actually. I have mine in hand. Section 15, row 27 to be precise.
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