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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

note: these are complete guesses...
Is it true that 40,000 buckeye fans will come to Austin with only 4000 with tickets to the game? That will be fun. I am sure that you guys will enjoy Austin. It is one of the best college towns in the nation.
I'd be surprised if 40k did not show up in austin... they surely have more than 4000 tickets (that's the official UT allotment for OSU fans), thru ebay & ticket brokers.

I would expect no less than 10-12k in the stands, with 30-35k+ watching the game around town.
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Is that Snead in the background of that pic giving the jeer to Colt and Mack?

Nope. Snead is lily white:

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Since you missed me so much you went trolling for my posts elsewhere I will expand on my comments on your back 7, so you get the Texas perspective. I'll pick someone off the Texas roster with equivalent talent and experience to each of your starters.

I'll start with the easy one. Brandon Mitchell = Matt Melton, A 5th year backup who would never break a lineup with decent starters
At the other safety Nick Patterson = Ishie Oduegwu, bith promising sophs.
We don't have any walkon corners on our depth chart but I'll be generous a say Antonio Smith = Erick Jackson
For a promising sophomore corner I'll go with Malcolm Jenkins = Ryan Palmer
We don't have any transfers from Baylor at linebacker so I'll be nice and say John Kerr = Scott Derry
At MLB I'll go with James Laurinaitas = Jeremy Campbell
And last but not least I'll be real generous Marcus Freeman = Robert Killebrew (last year), they were rated about the same.

If that was the lineup Texas was going with this season, I would be hoping to make the Cotton Bowl at best.
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I'll start with the easy one. Brandon Mitchell = Matt Melton, A 5th year backup who would never break a lineup with decent starters
At the other safety Nick Patterson = Ishie Oduegwu, bith promising sophs.
We don't have any walkon corners on our depth chart but I'll be generous a say Antonio Smith = Erick Jackson
For a promising sophomore corner I'll go with Malcolm Jenkins = Ryan Palmer
We don't have any transfers from Baylor at linebacker so I'll be nice and say John Kerr = Scott Derry
At MLB I'll go with James Laurinaitas = Jeremy Campbell
And last but not least I'll be real generous Marcus Freeman = Robert Killebrew (last year), they were rated about the same.

If that was the lineup Texas was going with this season, I would be hoping to make the Cotton Bowl at best.

1. Has Melton returned an INT for a TD and played special teams for three years?
2. I know as much about Oduegwu as you do about Patterson, so I'll call this a wash
3. I know as much about Jackson as you do about Smith, so I'll call this a wash, too
4. Is Palmer rated in the top 5 corners in the country?
5. Was Derry the top freshman tackler in his conference?
6. Did Campbell start in a BCS as a true freshman, and did he play behind the #18 draft pick and fourth LB taken?
7. Did Killebrew play behind the top LB in the country, and the first LB taken and #5 overall pick in the draft?
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Those tOSU players averaged 2.4 stars 1 4*, 1 2*, 1 NR or 1*, and the others 3.

The Texas players averaged 3.4 stars 3 4* and 4 3*.

See I was really being much more generous that you realized.

No, you were being much more ignorant than you realized.

A.J.Hawk = 3*
Santonio Holmes = 3*
Nick Mangold = 1*
Youboty = 3*

All the above except Youboty were first round picks (Youboty was third round). Star ratings mean shit.
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Randy, and I will say this as nicely as possible, you are a complete jackass. Recruiting is an inexact science. Star ratings mean dick once you get on campus. AJ Hawk is a perfect example. He was the third rated LB in our 02 class. He was only a 3-star recruit. Mike D'Andrea (5-stars)and Bobby Carpenter (4-stars) were both rated higher. In fact, Rivals had 29 other outside LBers rated above AJ. Can't miss guys like Marvin Byrdsong and Michael Williams (sound familiar?). You are going to have to do better than looking at star ratings.
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Those tOSU players averaged 2.4 stars 1 4*, 1 2*, 1 NR or 1*, and the others 3.

The Texas players averaged 3.4 stars 3 4* and 4 3*.

See I was really being much more generous that you realized.
hilarious stuff xray... I'd imagine this prediction will pan out about as well as your nfl projections.

Your DL was awesome last year (no sarcasm). How could they possibly have been contained by 3-star Datish, 3-star Sims (may start as an NFL rookie), 1-star Mangold (1st rounder), 2-star Downing, & 3-star Barton?

Truly mind-boggling stuff when life does not exist outside of numbers.
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