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Game Thread Game Two: #1 Ohio State 24, #2 Texas 7 (9/9/06)

High Lonesome said:
Randy, I love your enthusiasm and I hope you are right, but I am skeptical of how you could get such a good feeling of the physical dominance of our line in a tshirt practice. By the way, you are not the first person I have heard say these things, just the first I have had a chance to ask
Easy. It's because they were wearing Texas tshirts :roll1:
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Frost, ouch! I guess that Nicol is not that much of a drop-off in terms of starter, but it sure hurts your depth.

We could just throw a big body in there to block like we used Andre Tyree in the Michigan game last year (I'm thinking Rehring maybe, or Rehring at gaurd and Schafer at the "big" TE spot). Either way, we haven't thrown much to the TE in recent years, which has been said already. I think we were all optomistic that the TE's would become more involved this year with Frost and Nicol coming back, but I don't see it as being a major setback in our offensive production.
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Randy, I love your enthusiasm and I hope you are right, but I am skeptical of how you could get such a good feeling of the physical dominance of our line in a tshirt practice. By the way, you are not the first person I have heard say these things, just the first I have had a chance to ask

You are correct that there is only so much to see in shorts, but they still contend with DEs who are trying to pass rush. Hills shows good strength holding them off and great footwork and footspeed keeping them to the outside, and preventing the inside moves too. I doubt he allows a sack all year. As for run blocking I can only assume his physical improvements (muscular) will make him better than he was last fall and spring, which will push him off the charts.
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xrayrandy said:
You are correct that there is only so much to see in shorts, but they still contend with DEs who are trying to pass rush. Hills shows good strength holding them off and great footwork and footspeed keeping them to the outside, and preventing the inside moves too. I doubt he allows a sack all year. As for run blocking I can only assume his physical improvements (muscular) will make him better than he was last fall and spring, which will push him off the charts.
here we go...
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