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Game Thread Game One: #1 Ohio State 35, Northern Illinois 12 (9/2/06)

alex rodriguez puts up great numbers, but is not clutch (Ortiz, Robert Horry, Vince Young etc). Clutch refers to late in the game when the pressure is on. Not sure why that is lost on you.
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There are some similarities between the Miami game last year, we both play in the MAC, and we both have good offenses. However I think NIU will be twice the team Miami was last year.

Well, G-F, what about the stats I put on the table, a few posts ago? Any comment on that? It's fine and well to set out an opinion, but the facts suggest that Pittman is the better back.

I went back and looked at rushing against TSUN, by the way. Walker got them for 104/26/4.0, Calhoun 155/35/4.4, Michigan State combined for 173/29/6.0 and Maroney went for 129/36 and Russell for 128/18/7.1. So, Wolfe did well against them, but not really all that well, for a team with a run defense that Bo Schembechler said disgusted him after the first three games.
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I never said he wasn't clutch. I don't know if he is or not. But having a 75 yard run in the 2nd quarter doesn't scream clutch to me. And "your" 5 biggest games are against who? MAC teams?

I think you stated your whole argument about Wolfe is that you don't think he's respected on these boards. So show me what he has done against a team with a good defense. Respect isn't earned just by having stats against MAC teams.

Stats don't even show the whole story. Am I correct in assuming that NIU is a running team? If so, you don't think that skews any comparisons made against Pittman? I mean, I understand that if Pittman was that much better than the rest of the players on our team then we would be a running team also, but that doesn't really say anything about Wolfe vs. Pittman.
Then my post wasn't direct toward you, it was directed toward 19 who said Garrett Wolfe wasn't clutch because of 3 runs in a 23 point game. Of course you don't know if Wolfe is clutch, you've never sene him play more then once or twice, that is not a knock on you, but it is a fact. For somebody to call him not clutch, especially why he called him not clutch, is a joke.

And without a doubt Wolfe gets more chances the Pittman does, that is why I posted YPC. Pittman is a really good back without a doubt, all I was trying to do was point out what they did against common opponents to show that Wolfe balls no matter who he is playing.

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Right there you said our greats won't be on the field. Clear as day.
Nicely done twisitng words around.

The post I was responidng to was me dismissing Ohio State's history, but using Wolfe's as an argument. I then said your "greats" i.e. A.J. Hawk, guys from the past, won't be on the field but Wolfe will.

We already had the you guys will have new greats on the field debate, and I said that is why it is an advantage to NIU because it will be many of their first start's.
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G-FORCE said:
Then my post wasn't direct toward you, it was directed toward 19 who said Garrett Wolfe wasn't clutch because of 3 runs in a 23 point game. Of course you don't know if Wolfe is clutch, you've never sene him play more then once or twice, that is not a knock on you, but it is a fact. For somebody to call him not clutch, especially why he called him not clutch, is a joke.

And without a doubt Wolfe gets more chances the Pittman does, that is why I posted YPC. Pittman is a really good back without a doubt, all I was trying to do was point out what they did against common opponents to show that Wolfe balls no matter who he is playing.

Nobody is doubting that Wolfe plays well no matter who he is playing. They are doubting "who he is playing".
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Nicely done twisitng words around.

The post I was responidng to was me dismissing Ohio State's history, but using Wolfe's as an argument. I then said your "greats" i.e. A.J. Hawk, guys from the past, won't be on the field but Wolfe will.

We already had the you guys will have new greats on the field debate, and I said that is why it is an advantage to NIU because it will be many of their first start's.

Not sure "Starting" is notable of anything. It's more about quality playing time... more than mop up opportunities, and OSU's replacement players have had pleanty of opps to play, whehter they "started" the game or not.
That is to say, Tress has recognized that the nature of college ball is such that playing as many players in as many situations as you can is a benefit in the long run. OSU has been, for example, playing 8 linemen in games since we saw FSU do it (and beat us due in no small part to freshness) in the 1998 Sugar.
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G-FORCE said:
Nicely done twisitng words around.

The post I was responidng to was me dismissing Ohio State's history, but using Wolfe's as an argument. I then said your "greats" i.e. A.J. Hawk, guys from the past, won't be on the field but Wolfe will.

We already had the you guys will have new greats on the field debate, and I said that is why it is an advantage to NIU because it will be many of their first start's.
I thought we had already been there before too. For most of those players it won't be their first start.
I didn't have to twist. You typed it word for word. And I so thoroughly enjoyed that I am not goint to let it go.
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I've avoided this thread a long time. Why does it not suprise me to find the annual small school homer with delusions of granduer using the same old tired formula? Is there a manual out there we just are nort aware of?

I swear to God its the EXACT same shit every year. Podunk U has one player who would be in the 2 deep at OSU and by the time Podunk U's #1 fan is done deluding himself for an entire summer they aren't coming into the Shoe to be competitive, they are coming in to dominate us.

Meanwhile back in the real world here is a breakdown of OSU's home opener the past 5 years under JT.

2001: Akron W 28-14
2002: Texas Tech W 45-21
2003: Washington W 28-9
2004: UC W 27-6
2005: Miami W 34-14

Avg score 32-13

Everyone of these teams spent the summer telling us: how it would be different, the past had no bearing on this years game, excuses for their teams stats, OSU lost X and they returned Y, they were real close to making it a game vs team X so that translates to y vs OSU, they have just as many athletes as OSU....yadda, yadda, yadda.

Everyone of these teams actually: 1) Got their ass kicked 2) found the overall depth of talent to be vastly different 3) saw first hand that OSU reloads talent on a scale they just simply cannot handle 4) excluding TT fans lacked the stones/class it takes to come back to our board admit they didn't know what the fuck they were talking about

I'll be curious to see how the latest #1 fan of Podunk U handles the ass beating this year.
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Well, G-F, what about the stats I put on the table, a few posts ago? Any comment on that? It's fine and well to set out an opinion, but the facts suggest that Pittman is the better back.

I went back and looked at rushing against TSUN, by the way. Walker got them for 104/26/4.0, Calhoun 155/35/4.4, Michigan State combined for 173/29/6.0 and Maroney went for 129/36 and Russell for 128/18/7.1. So, Wolfe did well against them, but not really all that well, for a team with a run defense that Bo Schembechler said disgusted him after the first three games.
Your "facts"

Sorry I question your "facts" after you said Garrett Wolfe is not clutch. I am pretty sure we already covered the common opponent thing. Wolfe averaged more yards per carry against them then Pittman did didn't he? You can't just dismiss the Michigan game because it is a "rivalry". By your logic Toledo should have shut down Wolfe then because it is a "rivalry".

If Pittman is so "clutch" why didn't he show up in the Michigan game?
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Your "facts"

Sorry I question your "facts" after you said Garrett Wolfe is not clutch. I am pretty sure we already covered the common opponent thing. Wolfe averaged more yards per carry against them then Pittman did didn't he? You can't just dismiss the Michigan game because it is a "rivalry". By your logic Toledo should have shut down Wolfe then because it is a "rivalry".

If Pittman is so "clutch" why didn't he show up in the Michigan game?

Ummmm.... he did. :confused:
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