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Game Thread Game One: #1 Ohio State 35, Northern Illinois 12 (9/2/06)

You want to know who didn't show up for the OSU Michigan game?

Michael Hart

Rushing No Gain Loss Net TD Lg Avg
Hart, Mike 9 15 0 15 0 4 1.7

Pittman did everything asked of him, including gaining 85 of the 118 yards rushing.
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Do you mean rushing down the field scoring the game winning touchdown with less than 30 seconds to go? cuz he did that too.

that's kind of what clutch is, not a 75 yard run in the first half.
3 yard touchdwon run is hardly rushing down the field.

I can't believe I am actually having this argument.

If you want to believe Wolfe is not clutch, then go ahead and be wrong. I am not going to argue with anybody about it anymore.
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clutch = end of game, nothing more, nothing less. Someone is not clutch in the 2nd quarter. Nobody is saying wolfe did not show up big in those games.
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clutch = end of game, nothing more, nothing less. Someone is not clutch in the 2nd quarter. Nobody is saying wolfe did not show up big in those games.
The Toledo run (4 minutes left 65 yard run to seal the win) was clutch. You are right the Michigan run was a strech.

However clutch is not just late in the game. Clutch is coming up big in big games. I am not really trying to argue Pittman isn't clutch, just arguing that Wolfe is.

Saying Wolfe is not clutch (not saying you said it just in general) proves how little some of you guys know about NIU.
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G-FORCE said:
3 yard touchdwon run is hardly rushing down the field.

I can't believe I am actually having this argument.

If you want to believe Wolfe is not clutch, then go ahead and be wrong. I am not going to argue with anybody about it anymore.
I'll repeat, I never said if he is or isn't clutch. I just don't know what is clutch about a run in the 2nd quarter.
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NIU is one of the best teams in the MAC. NIU is not a team that can be taken lightly, and I can assure everyone that Tressel and staff won't take NIU lightly - Even with Texas looming. That's based on having watched Tressel manage this team since his arrival.

NIU has enough talent to stay on the field with OSU, they don't have the depth. However, if things bounce thier way, if OSU is flat, NIU could indeed put a scare in to OSU, or even beat them. Now, I doubt that NIU will indeed beat OSU, as I feel Ohio State's superior talent and depth won't fall apart entirely - certainly not in the first game of the year - when I expect everyone will be itching to hit someone not wearing the same color as you.
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The Toledo run (4 minutes left 65 yard run to seal the win) was clutch. You are right the Michigan run was a strech.

However clutch is not just late in the game. Clutch is coming up big in big games. I am not really trying to argue Pittman isn't clutch, just arguing that Wolfe is.

Saying Wolfe is not clutch (not saying you said it just in general) proves how little some of you guys know about NIU.

Sure, the Toledo run was nice and it did seal the game, but once again look at the competition. I think one thing we can all agree on is that Garrett Wolfe is a small quick back who relies on speed and evasivness to score and get yards. IMO... he looks great on runs like the Toledo run and against other MAC competition because of the great difference in speed. If you take our team speed on defense and put it on the Toledo defense for that one play, its a play for no gain or loss.

In other words... Garret Wolfe once again is a good player, but we have the defensive speed to neutralize him.
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NIU is one of the best teams in the MAC. NIU is not a team that can be taken lightly, and I can assure everyone that Tressel and staff won't take NIU lightly - Even with Texas looming. That's based on having watched Tressel manage this team since his arrival.

NIU has enough talent to stay on the field with OSU, they don't have the depth. However, if things bounce thier way, if OSU is flat, NIU could indeed put a scare in to OSU, or even beat them. Now, I doubt that NIU will indeed beat OSU, as I feel Ohio State's superior talent and depth won't fall apart entirely - certainly not in the first game of the year - when I expect everyone will be itching to hit someone not wearing the same color as you.
Either A. you were trying to shut me up or B. I agree 100% with your post.
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