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Game Thread Game One: #1 Ohio State 35, Northern Illinois 12 (9/2/06)

G-Gorce I am not sure what point you want to make if you're pretty sure you're team's gonna lose. You could sit us all in a room for days and not be able to convince that a one-man offense will have a big day against tOSU. Just won't happen. I am not sure I believe you're even arguing this.

I think he's just saying that he recognizes that OSU should beat NIU in this game, but that with his guy (Wolfe) around, anything is possible. Not an opinion I agree with, of course, but not one that is outlandish from the perspective of a fan of NIU.
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Here's what I don't get G-F...

You talk about all the great things that Wolfe has done in the past, but when we mention our success from the past, you say it doesn't count...

As others have said, I am sure Wolfe is a great back, but we face great backs all year long. Very few ever have the kind of success that you seem to be counting on. And as I said earlier, you seem to concede that you won't stop our offense...So when is he going to get these carries he needs to have a big game? Will your coach continue to feed him if you get down a few scores early? Or is he going to air it out to extend the game and try to hit a big play or two? I'm just not real sure what you're arguing here...
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I think he's just saying that he recognizes that OSU should beat NIU in this game, but that with his guy (Wolfe) around, anything is possible. Not an opinion I agree with, of course, but not one that is outlandish from the perspective of a fan of NIU.
Yes, all I am saying is you guys are in for a surprise if you think you are going to drop 45 on us, and hold us to 10. Then I will get some comment about how will have a running back that has never proven anything, and a 4th tier team.

You guys will/should be the #1 team in the nation, and there are damn good reasons for that. I understand that it is very unlikely we will beat you, but we are a school that has a history of being a giant killer, and we haven't been blown out by a BCS opponent inat least 7 years. Are the teams we played as good as Ohio State? No, probably not. We also have a running back that has never been stopped. Has he played competition like Ohio State? Nope, probably not. All I am saying if you have watched this team play teams that should roll over us the past 5 years, you would realize Joe Novak has a way of playing really good teams close games. Also we are a team that has gotten some preseason Top 25 consideration, so we aren't just abunch of busters who can't play (coughILLINOIScough).

Plus look at what Fresno did to USC last year. They went into #1 USC and went toe-to-toe with them for 60 minutes. If Fresno did it, why not NIU?
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I think he's just saying that he recognizes that OSU should beat NIU in this game, but that with his guy (Wolfe) around, anything is possible. Not an opinion I agree with, of course, but not one that is outlandish from the perspective of a fan of NIU.

yeah but it seems like he's hitting is head against a brick wall repeatedly. :smash: :smash: :smash:
And for what? Does he want us all to think he's an idiot? Is that the point?
If it is well...
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Here's what I don't G-F...

You talk about all the great things that Wolfe has done in the past, but when we mention our success from the past, you say it doesn't count...
Because Wolfe is still playing right now. You guys are one of the most historic college football universities in the world, however your greats won't be on the field on September 2nd; Garrett Wolfe will be.
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Saw makes some interesting observations, what says you to him?

Edit: Guess I was late there.. but, what makes you think that OSU doesn't have greats on the current roster? Reload or Rebuild, I guess is the question. I'm of the mind, that since 2001 you can observe OSU - on D in particular - is Reload.
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Because Wolfe is still playing right now. You guys are one of the most historic college football universities in the world, however your greats won't be on the field on September 2nd; Garrett Wolfe will be.

The problem with that is, our "greats" were once freshman and soph as well. Our next "greats" are just waiting to take the field...When we talk "reload", we actually mean it. We have another group of future AA's sitting on the bench or getting ready to enroll next year to replace the "greats" that NIU will see this September...This is especially true on defense. Inexperienced? Ya, a little...Not as inexperienced as what you may think though...

EDIT: I guess everyone saw that word "great" as well...:biggrin:
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As others have said, I am sure Wolfe is a great back, but we face great backs all year long. Very few ever have the kind of success that you seem to be counting on. And as I said earlier, you seem to concede that you won't stop our offense...So when is he going to get these carries he needs to have a big game? Will your coach continue to feed him if you get down a few scores early? Or is he going to air it out to extend the game and try to hit a big play or two? I'm just not real sure what you're arguing here...
I honestly don't know what he will do. We got behind Akron by 2 scores in the MAC Championship Game (yes I know Akron isn't 1/2 the team you guys are) and he ended up carry the ball 40+ times. We down by 14 at half to Northwestern, and he carried the ball 30+ times. Wolfe is the big play. Everytime he touches the ball he can go for 6. Honestly if you keep slining bombs to Ginn, but we keep coming back with Wolfe (and it's working) then I could see Wolfe getting the ball 30 some times. If you go on 3 play drives, and we go on 10, no matter how much depth you have on defense, it will wear down. As long as we are with in 2 scores of you guys and the run is effective, we will keep handing it to Wolfe.

If Ohio State is up 24-7 in the 2nd, things could get ugly. I don't think you will be up 24-7 in the 2nd quater.
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The problem with that is, our "greats" were once freshman and soph as well. Our next "greats" are just waiting to take the field...When we talk "reload", we actually mean it. We have another group of future AA's sitting on the bench or getting ready to enroll next year to replace the "greats" that NIU will see this September...This is especially true on defense. Inexperienced? Ya, a little...Not as inexperienced as what you may think though...

EDIT: I guess everyone saw that word "great" as well...:biggrin:
Which why playing you in the 1st game is an advantage to us. You may have the next A.J. Hawk waiting at linebacker right now, but do you really think his 1st time out he is going to play up to his level of potential? It is possible, but not likely.
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The problem with that is, our "greats" were once freshman and soph as well. Our next "greats" are just waiting to take the field...When we talk "reload", we actually mean it. We have another group of future AA's sitting on the bench or getting ready to enroll next year to replace the "greats" that NIU will see this September...This is especially true on defense. Inexperienced? Ya, a little...Not as inexperienced as what you may think though...

EDIT: I guess everyone saw that word "great" as well...:biggrin:

I would guess that 3 - 4 of these defensive players will be taken higher in the draft than Wolfe. Great players, hah. I think I will laugh at that one for a few days. Thats just fantastic that you think Wolfe will be the only "great" player on the field.
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