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Game Thread Game One: #1 Ohio State 35, Northern Illinois 12 (9/2/06)

Scare, but not beat lol.

4-4 in our last 8 games against BCS teams.

We ain't beating anyone you are correct.
we're not worthy. 4-4 against the bcs sounds impressive until you actually break down those teams (and there is one decent team in the mix).

Losses to: 5 loss Michigan, 5 loss Northwestern, 5 loss GT, 6 loss Maryland

Wins against: 6 loss Wisconsin, 3 loss Maryland, 9 loss Alabama, 7 loss Wake Forest
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we're not worthy. 4-4 against the bcs sounds impressive until you actually break down those teams (and there is one decent team in the mix).

Losses to: 5 loss Michigan, 5 loss Northwestern, 5 loss GT, 6 loss Maryland

Wins against: 6 loss Wisconsin, 3 loss Maryland, 9 loss Alabama, 7 loss Wake Forest

the poster said we scare, but not beat BCS teams.

We beat 4 BCS teams. That comment had nothing to do with Ohio State.

And we didn't beat Wisconsin, we beat Iowa State. We lost in (another) close game to Wisconsin, so actually we are 4-5. Wait a minute, we never played Georgia Tech. You need to check your facts.
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G-FORCE said:

the poster said we scare, but not beat BCS teams.

We beat 4 BCS teams. That comment had nothing to do with Ohio State.

And we didn't beat Wisconsin, we beat Iowa State. We lost in (another) close game to Wisconsin, so actually we are 4-5. Wait a minute, we never played Georgia Tech. You need to check your facts.
if you beat (or scared) Baylor....would you toot your horn about beating a BCS team?
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G-Gorce I am not sure what point you want to make if you're pretty sure you're team's gonna lose. You could sit us all in a room for days and not be able to convince that a one-man offense will have a big day against tOSU. Just won't happen. I am not sure I believe you're even arguing this.
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