I'm rewatching season 6 as well- I just finished episode 9.
I found it frustratingly stupid of Jon Snow to charge at Ramsey's lines after Rickon was hit with the arrow- just an incredibly stupid thing to do considering what an obvious trap it was and what a horrible position it put his troops in--- going directly against everything he had talked about at the war council and with Sansa the night before.
I get that it was supposed to come off as brave and extremely loyal to his family (even the ones that no one cares about like Rickon), but it also came off as impulsive, reckless, and the actions of an extremely bad leader, which I didn't like considering Jon is in line to be the savior of man kind.
That said, the episode was solid, obviously- but that particular decision to charge the enemy line by himself after Rickon was shot was so stupid.