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Game of Thrones (Official Thread)

Who will be the final KING of the SEVEN KINGDOMS/IRON THRONE

  • Aegon Targaryen (aka Jon Snow)

    Votes: 11 36.7%
  • Daenerys Targaryen

    Votes: 2 6.7%
  • Bran Stark

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Gentry Baratheon

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Sansa Stark

    Votes: 3 10.0%
  • Arya Stark

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Cersei Lannister

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Tyrion Lannister

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • Euron Greyjoy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • Gate is closed

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Wow! That was ......intense for a very long time! It just wore me out watching the battle for so long. But I'm happy they didn't kill off a bunch of people like The Walking Dead has done. Silly, I know. Now, will the writers(since we're pass the books now) give us a good ending or try to set up another series/movie?
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They still have at least one dragon (two? I don’t know what the hell happened to Jon’s but assume it’s dead since it stopped showing up) and a super deadly assassin that could just go in and kill everyone they need dead... a good guy victory feels easy at this point, so I’m worried they’ll come up with some convoluted bullshit to make it “even” again and raise the stakes for the final confrontation.
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Since I enjoy being super nit picky of the show after it ran out of book and arguably dropped dramatically in quality-

Wouldn’t the Starks have built their crypt zombie-proof considering they were aware of the white walkers while building Winterfell? The wall and Winterfell were built roughly around the same time, and if not they had plenty of time to make the necessary change.

Oh wait, they did, which leads me to my next question- how did brittle old skeleton bones bust their way out of several inches of stone sarcophagus instantly? The zombie dude they took to Kings Landing didn’t bust out of his box.

Wouldn’t it have been just as effective from a creepy/doomed thematic prospective to have the Stark dead noisily scratching around inside their tombs as everyone down there listened to the death and destruction up above?

And since we’re talking about the crypt, isn’t it super weird and a major step backward for Tyrion to be down in the tomb getting a lesson from Sansa about how he’s worthless? Wasn’t one of the things that made him badass in the first place the juxtaposition of him bravely leading the defense of King’s Landing while Joffrey was being a little bitch and hiding?

They make Tyrion dumb given that his advice has been wrong many times in a row, they don’t come up with any particularly clever defense against the dead - they didn’t even properly place their trebuchets not on the very front line or deploy their cavalry properly - and now he can’t even be brave despite his keen awareness of his physical limitations - like he’s ALREADY ESTABLISHED he does willingly in previous battles.

The excuse is Daenerys needs him as an advisor? Even though he’s been wrong a bunch of times in a row? Even though she’s threatened half-a-dozen times at this point to fire him because he hasn’t been doing a very good job?

What the fuck?

ALSO, Davos has admitted he’s not a very good fighter, is just as valuable as an “advisor,” and didn’t even have a fucking sword the entire time and managed to survive outside - but Tyrion is the one who gets to be down in the crypt for the “we’re worthless” lecture.

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They could have made it MUCH better if held back on the smoke, dust and cloud cover... the Red Wedding was more gruesome and vivid than this one

Arya=Azor Ahai?
Melisandre=Nissa Nissa?

We need to offer Arya... BAMF
What about Sam... he was tanglin in there

For a second I thought Sansa and Tyrion were gonna do that suicide pact crap
So is Rhaegal done? dammit.. he was like Malik Hooker back there

Jon should be well rested for next week.. cuz he didn't do shit.. other than fall off his dragon

Shuttin down poll just prior to next Sunday's episode
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1. The Mormont family is dead. Jorah died as did Lyanna.

2. It appeared that Alice Karstark went into the Godswood with Theon. We didn't explicitly see her die but everyone else did except Bran.

3. Theon - dead.

Things I think:

1. With Jorah dead, while not a major character, I think this may be the event that could drive Dany into madness. Being that she's the product of incest you never quite know that the tipping point may be.

2. There are still 2 dragons. He crash landed but we don't know the extent of the injuries yet.

3. I think Euron has a double cross of Cersei that will be found out and exploited.

4. Tyrion, Jaime and Bronn have a part to play between the 3 of them. I don't know what that part is yet, but there will be a time all 3 are on screen together and it'll be significant.

All in all, not as good as Battle of the Bastards as an episode but it was an epic battle. It'll be interesting to see what the aftermath is in episode 4.
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Arya is taking out Cersei next week.. using the mask of Jaime
Dany (and Jon) are way too obvious...

IMO can't be one of the starting lineup; gotta come from the bench

That the Valonqar would be Tyrion was too obvious. Jaime's arc has only one place to go, and that's killing Cersei (and his own baby).

Even before R+L=J was confirmed, the one thing I've been absolutely certain about is that Jaime is the one who does it.
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That the Valonqar would be Tyrion was too obvious. Jaime's arc has only one place to go, and that's killing Cersei (and his own baby).

Even before R+L=J was confirmed, the one thing I've been absolutely certain about is that Jaime is the one who does it.
Yeah, but to get back to my main gripe with this episode, the entire arc of Dondarian and Melisandre was an epic confrontation and sacrifice to defeat the Night King... and then Dondarian got stabbed and died in a hallway and Melisandre lit some swords (that was worthless) and lit a trench (that was worthless) and then sat around in a room and kinda inspired Arya with words. All despite her, in the episode, dramatically saying she’d be dead before the night was over... and then she just walked off and died in the morning.

I have absolutely no faith that these writers can satisfactorily pay off arcs that have been set up for a long time.
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