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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

I thought I'd write two poems to commemorate The Game of 2005. Sorry if it's a little long.

Ode to Tressel

Let me tell you a story that begins very bad,
Back when Novembers would make me so sad.
Time when Buckeye teams of great power
Would whither and die in Michigan's hour.
When Cooper took over as Ohio State's boss,
Year after year soon became loss after loss.
When "the school's greatest victory" was but a tie,
Our hearts would break. We were ready to die.
In fourteen attempts, Coop won just twice.
(Don't get me wrong, both were very nice)
But lucky for us, two wins weren't enough.
Geiger wouldn't take it. He ended all this stuff.

So Andy set out to find a new man,
To bring home wins against rival Michigan.
Harris, Mason, Pugac, and Stoops,
Were names mentioned in the expert groups.
But Geiger took a chance, he went out on a limb,
And hired us an unknown coach named Jim.

So, Tressel announced on a cold winter day,
"You'll be proud of the Bucks," he started to say
"In school, and in town, and in 310 days...
"Up in Ann Arbor!" The crowd roared their praise.
Since that little speech at the basketball game,
My Novembers have not at all been the same.
For now the tables are turned, the wins are all back.
The Bucks enter The Game ready, and on the attack.
And I know this year, the Bucks will come through,
With their annual beating of the Maize and the blue.

Ode to Llloyd

There once was a team from up north,
FUCK YOU, MICHIGAN!!! You pathetic pile of dog shit!
I bet you miss Cooper, don't you Llloyd?
You pillow-biting, bone-smuggling, ass-munching, sorry excuse for a coach!
I bet your ugly ass wife beats you every night!

The end.
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this is fucking bullshit.
i'm so fucking pissed right now.
not only do i get 'she's so raven' instead of The Game on ABC,
Did you look on your local ABC station's website? If you did, it doesn't say that I'm getting it either, but I checked my DirecTv guide and it comes up. Also make sure you looked up the right time. It's on at 1:00 EST, not 12:00 like usual.
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