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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

Someone told me it was on the Bucknuts and the O-zone. I looked there and couldnt find a link, but then I heard that Anthony Schlegel referenced to it on Bucknuts, you need a subscription though...
Damn it. In the good ole days of college football rivalries you could find juicy bulletin board material for free, but now it costs <strike>$77.00</strike> $49.95.
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Bulletin board material ends up on wall at OSU...

Mike Hart: "I wouldn't miss this match up for the world. If we play the way we have been, I don't think we can be beat. Their defense has some trouble stopping the run, and their pass defense isn't the greatest. Chad is gonna have a big day."

Isn't Hart the lilliputian rocket scientist who informed the world earlier this year that scUM simply doesn't lose 3 games in a year?
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Someone told me it was on the Bucknuts and the O-zone. I looked there and couldnt find a link, but then I heard that Anthony Schlegel referenced to it on Bucknuts, you need a subscription though...
the only thing I found on the insider board on BN was someone starting a thread about the email they received with teh hart quote. I'm calling this one bogus for the time being (not that he can't make stupid comments, as jax brought up)
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Isn't Hart the lilliputian rocket scientist who informed the world earlier this year that scUM simply doesn't lose 3 games in a year?

Mike Hart earlier this season: "We have two losses now, and we aren't going to lose again. Who would we be if we lost 3 games in a season"

Im thinking that they would be like 11 of the last 13 teams to have played for Michigan...

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I just started posting on this forum a while ago, and I usually don’t post all that often on the main football part. It’s not because I don’t love tOSU football program, or follow it religiously. It is my one true love in sports. I usually don’t post because I don’t really feel like I have any great insight into the games. I’ve never played or coached football at any level. The most I’ve ever done is a very limited number of backyard tackle games. I’m not an expert on cover 2 or on zone blitzes, the only reason I have any idea what a counter is, is because of playing Madden, and I know that a lot of the forum members here have a better perspective than I do on the games. Whether it comes from being older or from playing football before in their own lives. However, there is one thing that I do feel that I am an expert on when it comes to Ohio State football....

Hating those fuckers from Michigan.

In my lifetime tOSU has won just 8 times over scUM and tied once while losing 14. 3 of those victories I can’t even remember, (especially 1982 haha) and as we all know 3 have come under Tressel. My fondest memories of my Dad when I was growing up was watching tOSU football games with him. Each and every year seemed the same, tOSU was the better team and lost to UM. My dad would try to explain how this shouldn’t be happening. How people like Woody Hayes, and Earle Bruce would not have let what went on in the 90s happen. It was hard to believe that a time existed where the Buckeyes had excelled at beating those fucking weasels, when every year the same thing seemed to happen. I remember in elementary school betting my best friend 10 dollars that tOSU would win the Game, only to see Desmond Howard making a Heisman pose in the endzone. I made sure to never bet on the Game again.

I’ve never been confident that tOSU would come away with a win in Ann Arbor. Why should I have been when we have only won there twice in my life? BUT the time has come for tOSU to take control of the Game. Tressel understands how much this game means, and he knows how to win the big games. We have had trouble on the road at the beginning of seasons, but our teams always get better and we are clicking on all cylinders. Everyone knows how great our defense is, and now I can truly say that I haven’t been as impressed with a Buckeye offense since 1998. We are better at every aspect of the game.

Those fuckers from up north had a nice run to get back to respectability, but it will only make it that much sweeter when we hand them their fourth loss.

I hate their fucking colors.
I hate their fucking fight song.
I hate their helmets that look like bras.
I hate their shitty stadium.
I hate their arrogant fans that think championships and wins in the early 1900s actually matter to anyone but them.
I hate their fucking cocky players (Desmond Howard, Charles Woodson, Braylon Edwards need I go on?)
I hate their goody goodie clean cut douche bag players (Elvis Grbac, Drew Henson, Tom Brady etc.)
I hate the whole fucking shit stain of a state. I’ve been their twice and wanted to shoot myself in the face both times.
I fucking hate Michigan.

It’s time for an ass beating.

tOSU 34 scUM 13

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I just started posting on this forum a while ago, and I usually don’t post all that often on the main football part. It’s not because I don’t love tOSU football program, or follow it religiously. It is my one true love in sports. I usually don’t post because I don’t really feel like I have any great insight into the games. I’ve never played or coached football at any level. The most I’ve ever done is a very limited number of backyard tackle games. I’m not an expert on cover 2 or on zone blitzes, the only reason I have any idea what a counter is, is because of playing Madden, and I know that a lot of the forum members here have a better perspective than I do on the games. Whether it comes from being older or from playing football before in their own lives. However, there is one thing that I do feel that I am an expert on when it comes to Ohio State football....

Hating those fuckers from Michigan.

In my lifetime tOSU has won just 8 times over scUM and tied once while losing 14. 3 of those victories I can’t even remember, (especially 1982 haha) and as we all know 3 have come under Tressel. My fondest memories of my Dad when I was growing up was watching tOSU football games with him. Each and every year seemed the same, tOSU was the better team and lost to UM. My dad would try to explain how this shouldn’t be happening. How people like Woody Hayes, and Earle Bruce would not have let what went on in the 90s happen. It was hard to believe that a time existed where the Buckeyes had excelled at beating those fucking weasels, when every year the same thing seemed to happen. I remember in elementary school betting my best friend 10 dollars that tOSU would win the Game, only to see Desmond Howard making a Heisman pose in the endzone. I made sure to never bet on the Game again.

I’ve never been confident that tOSU would come away with a win in Ann Arbor. Why should I have been when we have only won there twice in my life? BUT the time has come for tOSU to take control of the Game. Tressel understands how much this game means, and he knows how to win the big games. We have had trouble on the road at the beginning of seasons, but our teams always get better and we are clicking on all cylinders. Everyone knows how great our defense is, and now I can truly say that I haven’t been as impressed with a Buckeye offense since 1998. We are better at every aspect of the game.

Those fuckers from up north had a nice run to get back to respectability, but it will only make it that much sweeter when we hand them their fourth loss.

I hate their fucking colors.
I hate their fucking fight song.
I hate their helmets that look like bras.
I hate their shitty stadium.
I hate their arrogant fans that think championships and wins in the early 1900s actually matter to anyone but them.
I hate their fucking cocky players (Desmond Howard, Charles Woodson, Braylon Edwards need I go on?)
I hate their goody goodie clean cut douche bag players (Elvis Grbac, Drew Henson, Tom Brady etc.)
I hate the whole fucking shit stain of a state. I’ve been their twice and wanted to shoot myself in the face both times.
I fucking hate Michigan.

It’s time for an ass beating.

tOSU 33 scUM 13


Next time why don't you tell us how you really feel. :biggrin:
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this is fucking bullshit.
i'm so fucking pissed right now.
not only do i get 'she's so raven' instead of The Game on ABC,
i don't get The Game on ESPN (Va-VTech instead)
OR ESPN2 (the Floyd of Rosedale game instead),



oh... yeah, almost forgot:

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