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Game Thread Game Eleven: Ohio state 25, Michigan 21 (final)

Huston may have a bit more trouble with the cold and wet weather it looks like were going to get. If the ground isn't firm he won't be able to plant and won't be able to get all the power he has been getting. The weather is a big plus for scUM because it will level the playing field a bit.
Yes, because artificial turf is very difficult to get footing on :shake:
Also, he's never kicked on crappy northwest Ohio football fields in cold weather :shake:
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Point being, it's going to be slippery enough to the point where he won't get the same power into the ball that he has and returns will be much more likely (as opposed to the bombs through the endzone we have been seeing).
No doubt the weather effects both teams equally but I believe it does level the playing field a bit and I believe we have the better team, therefore I believe the weather helps scUM.
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Hmmmm.... Wonder if DBB would have an answer to this statement...

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>RUSHING DEFENSE</TD><TD align=right width=20>G</TD><TD align=right width=35>Yds</TD><TD align=right width=40>Yds/G</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#dddddd><TD align=right width=18>1.</TD><TD>Ohio State</TD><TD align=right>10</TD><TD align=right>787</TD><TD align=right>78.7</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>PASSING DEFENSE</TD><TD align=right width=20>G</TD><TD align=right width=35>Yds</TD><TD align=right width=40>Yds/G</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#dddddd><TD align=right width=18>1.</TD><TD>Ohio State</TD><TD align=right>10</TD><TD align=right>1986</TD><TD align=right>198.6</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Uh, yeah my answer would go something like that. To which I would add parenthetically...

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Hmmmm.... Wonder if DBB would have an answer to this statement...

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>RUSHING DEFENSE</TD><TD align=right width=20>G</TD><TD align=right width=35>Yds</TD><TD align=right width=40>Yds/G</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#dddddd><TD align=right width=18>1.</TD><TD>Ohio State</TD><TD align=right>10</TD><TD align=right>787</TD><TD align=right>78.7</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>PASSING DEFENSE</TD><TD align=right width=20>G</TD><TD align=right width=35>Yds</TD><TD align=right width=40>Yds/G</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#dddddd><TD align=right width=18>1.</TD><TD>Ohio State</TD><TD align=right>10</TD><TD align=right>1986</TD><TD align=right>198.6</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Or this:

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD colSpan=2>SCORING DEFENSE</TD><TD align=right width=20>G</TD><TD align=right width=35>Points</TD><TD align=right width=40>Pts/G</TD></TR><TR bgColor=#dddddd><TD align=right width=18>1.</TD><TD>Ohio State</TD><TD align=right>10</TD><TD align=right>142</TD><TD align=right>14.20</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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Point being, it's going to be slippery enough to the point where he won't get the same power into the ball that he has and returns will be much more likely (as opposed to the bombs through the endzone we have been seeing).
No doubt the weather effects both teams equally but I believe it does level the playing field a bit and I believe we have the better team, therefore I believe the weather helps scUM.

I would be shocked if there is much of an effect owing to some rain. I don't think they're calling for a monsoon. Huston's been routinely kicking the ball out of the EZ altogether, maybe he loses a few yards... he's got 10 to give.

Wind blowing from one EZ to the other, then I can see it a bit, at least every other quarter anyway.
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Slippery turf Oh My God!!Huston can't split the uprights on Kick Offs.!! Breston returns from the 5 yd line ..Ginn or Holmes from the twenty advantage scUM???? oh that's right Breston gets 3 or 4 more chances than Holmes and Ginn LOL
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