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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

JohnnyCockfight;1682278; said:
Turner did break his back earlier this season. I don't know how you recover from something potentially so devastating and career-threatening and not go pro.

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Its pretty simple

I have seen where ET goes top 3, not necessarily the number one pick. Depends on who is picking.

The very interesting part is this:

If he comes back, we are the favorite to win the whole damn thing. Same as when Greg and Mike left. But this is a real question for a guy has given everything as a Buckeye. We'll be good without him but we may win every single one with him.

I wish him the best God can give him and hope that his heart says Scarlet and Gray.

Thank you Evan, its been a pleasure watching you play.
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All eyes will remain on Turner
Sunday, March 28, 2010
By Bob Baptist


Evan Turner faces a big decision in less than a month, whether to return for a senior year or go into the NBA draft.

ST. LOUIS - Jon Diebler might have been whistling in the wind, but he thinks the season ending when it did for Ohio State could make it more difficult for Evan Turner to end his stay in Columbus.

"I think so," Diebler said after the Buckeyes were eliminated from the NCAA Tournament on Friday night by a 76-73 loss to Tennessee in a Midwest Regional semifinal in the Edward Jones Dome.

All eyes will remain on Turner | BuckeyeXtra

Departing class: Evan Turner stands tall even as Buckeyes are knocked down and out: Bill Livingston
By Bill Livingston, The Plain Dealer
March 27, 2010

ST. LOUIS -- The last moment of innocence for the player who made Ohio State's season so much fun ticked off as the clock blinked to 0.0. A welter of emotions surged through Evan Turner, each fighting to be the feeling he would remember most.

What he said revealed much about what made Turner special beyond basketball instincts, size, competitive zeal and the court skills he had painstakingly acquired after entering Ohio State three years earlier without great fanfare.

"I had the most fun I ever had playing basketball. I think we grew as a team. We genuinely care about each other," the 6-7 junior point guard said after Tennessee upset the Buckeyes in the NCAA Tournament's Sweet 16 despite his 31 points. It was the equal of his career high.

Departing class: Evan Turner stands tall even as Buckeyes are knocked down and out: Bill Livingston | cleveland.com

John Wall or Evan Turner? Tennessee players say both stars are worthy of top honors
By Doug Lesmerises, The Plain Dealer
March 27, 2010

ST. LOUIS -- Evan Turner or John Wall?

The year-long debate over college basketball's national player of the year, which swung heavily towards Turner over the final half of the season, has a lot of qualified analysts among the Tennessee players that faced Wall's Kentucky team three times and knocked Turner and Ohio State out of the NCAA Tournament on Friday night.

Wall averaged 19 points, six assists, five rebounds, 4.7 turnovers and shot 44 percent while going 2-1 against Tennessee. Turner had 31 points, five assists, seven rebounds, six turnovers and shot 43 percent in that 76-73 loss to the Volunteers in a Midwest Regional semifinal

John Wall or Evan Turner? Tennessee players say both stars are worthy of top honors | cleveland.com

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7R9a3RYfvxE"]YouTube- 'Evan Turner "Road to the Final Four" Special[/ame]
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He's not gone yet. While most of us feel he should bolt and get paid, lets not talk like it's official. I feel like I have to read every linked article everytime someone posts something like "we'll miss ya" or something to see if he declared and I missed it.
As a fan, I hope he comes back. If I'm him, I go after my goal. Because lets be honest, every kid wants a title but the ultimate goal is to be in the NBA. I hope he makes his decision based on what he wants to do and not what others want him to do.
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southcampus;1682651; said:
As a fan, I hope he comes back. If I'm him, I go after my goal. Because lets be honest, every kid wants a title but the ultimate goal is to be in the NBA.

I liked your post a lot and I agree with 99% of what you said except for this. Of course he wants to play in the NBA, but maybe he's a little more mature and understands that fun is actually more valuable than dollar signs. How many OSU players have left early and said, I really miss playing at OSU, I wish I would've stayed another year. I know Oden & Conley said that. I wasn't a D1 athlete, but I can imagine there are few things in this life more fun than being the star of a team in a town that supports its athletes as much as any other in the world, and playing week after week with your best friends (or family as the players would say). The NBA isn't going anywhere. If he can come back from a broken back (once in a lifetime freak injury), then I'm sure he can make it through another year...maybe bring a championship to Columbus (maybe one of his life goals) and make more money next year (a fair chance of this too).

Evan's in a great spot. Lots of positives either way, but I hope he follows his heart and not the dollar signs. Money alone will never make you happy. He's got a lot on his plate. I wouldn't put a nickel on it, but I would love if he came back. We would be filthy stacked. :biggrin:
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Cornerback6;1682679; said:
I liked your post a lot and I agree with 99% of what you said except for this. Of course he wants to play in the NBA, but maybe he's a little more mature and understands that fun is actually more valuable than dollar signs. How many OSU players have left early and said, I really miss playing at OSU, I wish I would've stayed another year. I know Oden & Conley said that. I wasn't a D1 athlete, but I can imagine there are few things in this life more fun than being the star of a team in a town that supports its athletes as much as any other in the world, and playing week after week with your best friends (or family as the players would say). The NBA isn't going anywhere. If he can come back from a broken back (once in a lifetime freak injury), then I'm sure he can make it through another year...maybe bring a championship to Columbus (maybe one of his life goals) and make more money next year (a fair chance of this too).

Evan's in a great spot. Lots of positives either way, but I hope he follows his heart and not the dollar signs. Money alone will never make you happy. He's got a lot on his plate. I wouldn't put a nickel on it, but I would love if he came back. We would be filthy stacked. :biggrin:
Fair enough. I'm sure right now especially, winning a title is right up there. But I still think NBA has been the goal for most athletes of Evan's caliber since about middle school. I know that dudes I was friends with that now play in college think like this, and that seems to be the norm when reading quotes from HS recruits. Whatever the case may be, Turners got a tough decision leveraging those two goals and reaching a decision. I'm sure Buckeye Nation will stand behind him either way.

But damn, imagine if this cat came back next year. Would we move him out of the point? We've got such a stellar class coming in, especially down low with Sully and Thomas, I think that team could be special. Even if Evan decides to leave, as long as Buford comes back, I think we will be an elite team. Can't wait!
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southcampus;1682766; said:
Fair enough. I'm sure right now especially, winning a title is right up there. But I still think NBA has been the goal for most athletes of Evan's caliber since about middle school. I know that dudes I was friends with that now play in college think like this, and that seems to be the norm when reading quotes from HS recruits. Whatever the case may be, Turners got a tough decision leveraging those two goals and reaching a decision. I'm sure Buckeye Nation will stand behind him either way.

But damn, imagine if this cat came back next year. Would we move him out of the point? We've got such a stellar class coming in, especially down low with Sully and Thomas, I think that team could be special. Even if Evan decides to leave, as long as Buford comes back, I think we will be an elite team. Can't wait!

Levae him at point...as scary as it is, he can get better there too. Limit turnovers, improve decesion-making, and perimter shooting. Honestly, I think next years line-up would be:

C: Sullinger
F: Lighty
F: Diebler
F: Buford
G: Turner

With much more depth in Thomas, Lauderdale, and Sibert.

I think if Turner stays, Sullinger works his way into the line-up with a much more polished offensive game, and I think he'll be a better rebounder than Dallas. No offense to Dallas, but his understanding and read/reaction to plays is a little less than desirable. Sullinger is extremely intuitive on the court, and is just so fundamental. Nit the shot-blocker, but he's an added weapon, and Turner has publically stated he's excited to play with him if he stays his senior year.

If Turner leaves, I think we have a more traditional line-up where Dallas starts at center and Sullinger starts at PF.

C: Lauderdale
PF: Sullinger
SF: Lighty
SG: Buford or Diebler
PG: Sibert?? Will be interesting to say the least.
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First and foremost Evan Turner is a top 3 pick no matter what he decides! So please GMAFB w/ the goodbye ET crap. He hasn't made a decision yet. Let this thing play itself out.

The money is not going anywhere.

He could stay and have another shot at a final four and a NCAA championship. He leaves and that's out the window. I'm just saying let this thing play out.

Again, the NBA is not going anywhere.
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Cornerback6;1682819; said:
When and how did I say it was incentive? I said he came back from that...stating that it was a freak thing and he'll likely have no trouble making it to the league if he decides to spend next year in Columbus.

Well, your post was all about Evan returning and about other players saying they wished they would have stayed, then you used the line I quoted. Sounded like you were saying it was incentive.

I don't know who in their right minds would be thinking "I made it back from that serious back injury, so I might as well return." That injury was incentive to leave, if anything. Certainly not a factor in a return next season. That was my point. You were making it sound like he'd be using his injury as a reason to return.
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TS10HTW;1682822; said:
First and foremost Evan Turner is a top 3 pick no matter what he decides! So please GMAFB w/ the goodbye ET crap. He hasn't made a decision yet. Let this thing play itself out.

The money is not going anywhere.

He could stay and have another shot at a final four and a NCAA championship. He leaves and that's out the window. I'm just saying let this thing play out.

Again, the NBA is not going anywhere.

Good point, but there are a lot of people who see a lockout in the very near future. Same folks also say that this would end up impacting the financial aspects, particularly guaranteed contracts and such.

So, neither the NBA (as we know it) nor the money may be there.
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EVAN SAYS YES: 1) He has accomplished everything he set out to do in college basketball. 2) He is ready. 3) His memories at OSU are what college is all about, and I don't even mean basketball. 4) He is a leader, and whatever team drafts #1 blows their franchise by taking John Wall. Have fun with that! Evan will go #2.

EVAN SAYS NO: 1) He hasn't accomplished everything he set out to do in college basketball. 2) He is ready. Sorry, but it's not debatable. 3) His memories at OSU are what college is all about, and I do mean basketball, in other words, this kid could go down as "The Best" at tOSU, and that would be left up to jock-sniffers and never-has-beens- who write about it in the papers... the guys that write about National Championship teams, that is......... 4) He is a leader, he's going to get drafted by a junk team no matter what year he comes out...
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