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G/F Evan "The Villain" Turner (2010 Naismith Winner)

It's a damn shame to see the season come to a screeching halt for the Bucks, especially ET. That being said, he had a wonderful season, one of the best ever at OSU. It looks as if he's probably going to the NBA, a choice I couldn't argue. It's amazing that he was able to lead this team to such great heights this season. Eventually the depth got to them.

Best of luck ET, regardless of what path you choose.
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Scout.com: Decision Time Looms For Turner, Buford
Junior guard Jon Diebler was asked if the way the season ended would make it more likely for Turner to return.
?I think so, because he?s a competitor and he hates losing,? said Diebler, who is also Turner?s roommate. ?He knows how far we could?ve gotten this year. It leaves a bad taste in your mouth. Yeah, we got to the Sweet 16 but as a group we had higher expectations.?
Senior guard P.J. Hill, who served as Turner?s seldom-used backup this season, said he thinks Turner will return for another year.
?He said he?s coming back, so that?s what we?re planning on: that?s he coming back,? Hill said. ?He?s been saying that he?s going to come back but he wants to focus on this season and deal with everything else next year but he?s going to be back. I plan on him being back.?

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BlufftonBuckeye;1682146; said:
I think he'll be back. Anything short of a Final Four wasn't enough for him, and the team would be a preseason top 5 if he returns.

The ET watch is on!
FIFY. If he and Buford both come back and with the other talent returning and coming in this would be a top 5 team, no doubts about it.

But... I'm not counting on him coming back. He's been a great representative of Ohio State and has more than earned his shot at the NBA. It's been great to watch him mature in the scarlet & gray and good luck to him regardless of his choice.
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I get the feeling he wants to come back. Did you hear his press conference after the game? He said that he didn't want to go out like this and he sounded devastated. I'm not expecting him to come back, nor do I think he should, but he seems like the type of kid that might pull a Tim Duncan on us and come back for his senior year. Evan has given us two all american caliber years, and I wouldn't blame him at all if he decided to go into the NBA. Thanks for being a true Buckeye Evan!
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You do not realize how good of a ball player he is until you see him in person. He has such as strong handle on the ball when he is dribbling it's insane. Whatever he decides to do I'm happy with. I'll be ecstatic if he decides to stay and happy if he goes as well.
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Buckeye Maniac;1682092; said:
If I was in his situation, there is no way I'd leave before my 4 years were up, but, I'm not in his situation. That being said, does anyone have his email address so we can all email him to try to convince him to come back? Anyone? Sounds like a great idea to me...

HundedLane;1682097; said:
That is the worst idea ive heard in a long time. He has nothing to gain by coming back he will either be the first or second pick in the draft. He has been here for 3 years.
Only selfish reasons as a fan would want him to come back. Ohio State will some how move on without him.
Good luck with the T-Wolves or Nets

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KingLeon;1682113; said:
Thank you and goodbye isn't an opinion. Obviously he'll make his own decision but you don't seem to act like there's any decision to be made for him.

and no are you the decision making gatekeeper?? Should Turner ask you if it's ok for him to come back next season??

Nobody is making any decisions for him, we're just assuming that he's gone. Pretty safe assumption.

If you disagree, fine.. but I'd be shocked if he came back. No matter what he's saying right now. Nobody is going to be upset if he returns. But I'd put money on him leaving..
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HundedLane;1682097; said:
That is the worst idea ive heard in a long time. He has nothing to gain by coming back he will either be the first or second pick in the draft. He has been here for 3 years.
Only selfish reasons as a fan would want him to come back. Ohio State will some how move on without him.
Good luck with the T-Wolves or Nets

Calm down, bro.
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Evan Turner gives his all, but could have used more from his Ohio State Buckeyes teammates: Bill Livingston
By Bill Livingston, The Plain Dealer
March 27, 2010


Paul Sancya / Associated Press
Evan Turner (21) played a good game on Friday, and it most likely will be his last for the Buckeyes.

ST. LOUIS -- The last glimpse of Evan Turner as an Ohio State player, almost certainly, was of the only Buckeye whose game had soared, brought down at the end Friday night on a forlorn 3-pointer even he was not going to make.

Evan Turner gives his all, but could have used more from his Ohio State Buckeyes teammates: Bill Livingston | cleveland.com

Bob Hunter commentary: Turner deserved better sendoff -- if he leaves
Saturday, March 27, 2010
By Bob Hunter

ST. LOUIS - If this was the end for Evan Turner, it was accompanied by a cruel irony.

After a season in which the Ohio State junior did just about everything, a season in which he often beat two or three defenders when it was necessary to win a game, he missed two desperate three-point shots in the waning seconds for a tie against Tennessee.

The shot was supposed to go to Jon Diebler. Fate made sure it went to Turner, as it almost always does.

Fate was heartless. As Turner led the Buckeyes off the floor with a 76-73 loss that ended their season, it seemed like a can of red paint had been spattered on the Mona Lisa.

If this is the finish of Turner's college career - he wouldn't put a percentage on his return afterward - the injustice of his end will leave a bitter taste. It didn't seem at all fair.

Bob Hunter commentary: Turner deserved better sendoff -- if he leaves | BuckeyeXtra

For Ohio State's Turner, it's no way to go out
MIDWEST REGIONAL | TENNESSEE 76, OHIO ST. 73L: Star guard facing NBA question sooner than planned after Vols oust Buckeyes
March 27, 2010
BY HERB GOULD [email protected]

ST. LOUIS -- If this was Evan Turner's last college game, and it almost certainly was, it won't be full of happy memories.

The likely consensus national player of the year and his Ohio State teammates lost a grinding heartbreaker to Tennessee 76-73 on Friday night. The junior from Westchester St.Joseph missed two desperate three-point shots in the final seconds. Neither was a good look against a defense that was the difference in the game.

''The man's made so many huge shots for us,'' Buckeyes coach Thad Matta said. ''Maybe there's a little irony in it. But I'm going to put the ball in his hands and we'll roll with it.''

Indeed, Turner, who scored 21 of his 31 points in the second half, was 7-for-15 in the second half for Ohio State, which led 42-39 at the break. His teammates were 3-for-16, though, as OSU shot 32 percent in the second half.

For Ohio State's Turner, it's no way to go out :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Colleges
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