3074326;1468659; said:I'm talking about fans, too. Loads of people have said he stole jokes.. I don't listen to him, or much comedy at all, so I can't just pull five jokes out of my ass that he's stolen. As far as I'm concerned, if he's stolen one, he's a piece of shit.
I generally find it un-funny when people try really hard to be funny. Considering that's what comics do for a living, it's not really my thing. I'm not hating on Dane Cook just because he's Dane Cook. I'm hating on him because he yells a lot and makes an ass of himself to be funny, and I don't find his particular brand of loud/ass comedy to be funny. Has nothing to do with me thinking I'm too cool to like him. I don't give a shit what people think of what I like. One of my favorite movies is a fucking animated kids' movie. I like what I like.. if you think I'm too cool to like Dane Cook, you're too cool to like Jeff Dunham.
(I don't like Jeff Dunham, either, btw. :p)
So you don't like stand up, but you felt the need to mention that you don't care for Dane Cook, in particular? Why?

Also, pretty cool that you found a way to mention your love of Wall E in a thread about Dane Cook. Crimony Numby.
