This is a fucking retarded discussion. I assumed when I got to college that "frat boys" were guys who were assholes/snobs and paid for their friends. I was right. I was also wrong. Whoever was saying there are "fraternities" and "frats" was half right. In every fraternity I came across (Ohio U, OSU, BG, UC, Toledo) there were a mixture of regular guys who joined for whatever reason, there were nerds who couldn't get laid without having a social with whichever whoreorority that school had, and their were the assholes who thought they were better than anyone not greek. Some of them threw great parties, some of them threw sausage fests. Some of them beat people up, and some of them got beat up by half the OU football team- that was hilarious.
The sorority girls were in the same boat. I dated a Kappa at OSU for about a year, and she was cool....some of her friends were whores, some of them were virgins, some were snobs, blah blah blah.
It's pretty much the same breakdown you get in life.
This is 5 minutes of my life I'll never get back, but now that I've typed it I might as well post it.
BTW, don't fraternities and sororities still have academic standards? Because if they do of course their GPA's will be higher than the school average.