You know Muck, I understand where you're coming from but many "faggish frat boys" have been through much the same type of brotherhood as you with your comrades FWIW. In no way am I minimizing what you've been through with your friends, but I am sure there are many times a frat brother has laid one of his brothers to rest much the same.
Let's put this into perspective for a second:
Between the ages of 18-22 my brothers are training every day so that they can ensure their survival and the survival of their brothers when they go into combat.
Of the first four years in
my brotherhood roughly half (if not more) of it is spent overseas. In fun vacation spots like Beirut, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Bosnia etc.
My brothers are reminded on a near daily basis that ultimately their job is to kill. They also know that elsewhere around the world there are folks training for the express purpose of becoming better at killing Marines.
Yes there may be some similarities between fraternal groups...a feeling of comraderie blah blah blah. However anyone who beliefs the similarities between being in a college fraternity for four years and being a member of a organization whose basic mission is to "locate, close with and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver" are anything more than the most superficial & tenuous is sadly misinformed.
737 of
my brothers have perished in combat areas over the past 4 years.
PS - I certainly hope you are not associate the "faggish frat boy" label with my statements. To be very clear I said "milk teated mama's boys". :)