That makes no sense. How do the Ten Commandments apply to everyone? Every one of the Ten Commandments is violated thousands (in some cases millions) of times every day, so their constraining power is far from universal (not to mention that half the people in the world have probably never heard of them). How is obeying the Ten Commandments any less of a personal preference than being constrained by anything else? By way of example, I just read them and would say I follow six at all times, one almost all the time, and three not at all.
I may be way off base, but I think that what you're getting at is that if disqualification from heaven isn't the consequence for violating a moral rule, then it isn't really a moral rule, because that's the only universal deterrent. If that's right, though, blowing one of the Ten Commandments alone (which virtually everybody has done), which you've said are moral, would seem sufficient to knock one out of heaven and thus eliminate the deterrence value and attendant moral law status of the other nine (what's the big man gonna do, send you to double secret hell?). In the circumstance in which one has lied or blasphemed, he can now adulter with apparent impunity.
Now, I suppose the answer to all that is that God forgives us our sins if we accept Jesus, which is great but seems to eliminate the universal deterrent power of the sins in the first place, putting them on the same supposedly morally lacking plane as my personal moral preferences. Quite a mess . . .