Why? God can pretty much do whatever he wants. If he want's to forgive man his original sin, he doesn't need to do anything except say "I forgive them." He probably doesn't need to even say that... he just does what he wants to.Bleed S & G;735027; said:You need a covenant
Don't know that I agree every covenant needs a sacrifice. If you and I make an agreement to rep eachother every third wednesday, we have made a covenant and there's no sacrifice involved. Here is the definition of Covenant, and I don't see anything (even 5, which speaks of the Bible) noting any requirement of a sacrifice to make an agreement a covenant... and every covenant needs a sacrafice. "and God so loved the world, He gave His only Son."
but on a deeper level the Son is the active force on the mortal plane - a manifestation of the Spirit in human form. Christ wasn't immortal, His soul & spirit were, which is why He had to manifest Himself to human form, so that He may die. And God does violate his own laws, such as rising from the dead. To conquer death. But where in the bible did God outline natural laws, etc. We as humans assume these to be laws based off of little to no knowledge of the workings of the universe, based only off of human perception.
I don't entirely accept what you're saying here in the remainder, but that should be obvious from my other posts. But, I do like what you say about "God does violate his own laws, such as raising the dead" And "we humans assume these laws to be based of of a little to no knowledge of the workings of the universe...." It's not tortured reasoning, trying to make it "all right" or whatever... it's flat out fair and honest. And you appear willing to accept the world around you without feeling that your God is potentially voidable becaue of what the world around you reveals (via scientific discovery, among other things). That, I can certainly respect, even if I disagree with the particulars of your belief. I mean, hell, I doubt you accept the particulars of mine, so... I shouldn't expect you to believe my beliefs any more than I am willing to believe the whole of yours...... thus leading me to the problem of "the church" or organized religion.... exclusivity. Good news, indeed.
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