Bleed S&G, you shoulda stuck to your guns my friend.
Agreed with by TbuckeyeScott said:
God made the world and man perfect. we sinned.
God made man perfect, and yet we sinned? I don't understand how that is possible. Unless... 1 - sin isn't displeasing to God or 2- Man wasn't perfect afterall.
A perfect creation cannot act in a manner which is inconsistent with perfection. Assuming that committing Sin is "bad" and that a "perfect creation" would not commit bad acts, a perfect creation would be incapable of sinning. You posit man sins... Thus, Sinning is either not "bad" because perfect man having done so assumes that committing sin was part of what is required to be perfect, or God did NOT create man perfect.
Of course, I don't see any reason why God would have to be compelled to create a perfect thing. This goes to the heart of my contention against people who argue that God must not exists because the world isn't perfect. A lot of people observe that "Who are you to judge what God deems perfect." And I think that debate gets us nowhere. So, I look at it like this.... Ability to do, does not require that which we are able be done. This is why I say God is ABLE to do evil, that does not require that he DO evil. I am ABLE to jump off of a 30 story building, but my ability does not demand the concluision that I must therefore engage in that act.
God does not have to create perfect man to still be a "perfect God" so far as I'm concerned. Nor does God have to create a perfect world, a perfect universe or a perfect anything else. Indeed, in as much as I believe in M-Theory and Chaos Theory as better indicators of how the Universe is put together (including in the term "universe" other universes entirely (which M-Theory predicts)) God's perfection isn't analyzed in observation of one small part of the creation, say this universe, but instead in the WHOLE of it.. which would be every possible universe (which M-Theory, to my knowledge, accepts and predicts). That is to say, "Perfection" does not require "Good" and ONLY Good exist. Pefection requires that EVERYTHING exists (If it requires anything) Good and Bad.... Of course, anyone familair with my arguments on this topic knows I don't recognize "good" and "evil" as actual things (from a "God perspective" if you will... that is I appeciate that I persoanlly categorize things as "good" or "bad" relative to whatever judgement I make about situations).
I dont know... maybe I'm just fucked in the head, but arguing about how requiring a perfect God to act perfectly misses the point. And tortured explainations about how God acts perfectly even in the face of "evidence of imperfection" is foolish. I've never been satisfied with the "Well, who are you to judge what God deems "perfect"" in the face of evils such as war, or child rape, or whatever "evil" you want to accept. I'm likewise unwilling to accept that people - if created perfectly - are going to sin.
As I wrote that it occured to me, I suppose I must accept that - as I reasoned about God - that having been created perfectly does not require that I act perfectly.... and therefore even having been created perfect, I could still sin. So, my indication above that only A or B could result is not the only possible conclusions. However, it also occurs to me that my larger perspective on this issue (which is the rest of this crap I've been talking about) would still contend that there's no harm in God not creating Man perfect, in fact, that the "perfection" of man is Man's existence in multiple universes, and not his existence in this one alone. So, it seems to me, God did indeed create man perfect... but whatever occurs on this plane of reality is NOT the whole story, and therefore, the view from inside this plane is NOT perfection.... again, "Pefection" requires all... "good" and "bad"
Finally, in the larger sense, It doesn't really matter... it's a chicken and egg question. If I'm correct about multiple universes, God has "behaved" perfectly anyway.
I digress.