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2025 FL DL Jarquez Carter is a Buckeye!!!

Any word on the commit to Auburn who visited, liked, and went back home? Aubrey? That's one big DT I'd love to get out of the South. Thanks in advance. The talking heads aren't saying much other than, 'we've got a chance'. Sounds like a refrain from 'Dumb and Dumber' (the movie, y'all).Go Bucks
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Any word on the commit to Auburn who visited, liked, and went back home? Aubrey? That's one big DT I'd love to get out of the South. Thanks in advance. The talking heads aren't saying much other than, 'we've got a chance'. Sounds like a refrain from 'Dumb and Dumber' (the movie, y'all).Go Bucks
You mean this kid Malik Autry. And yeah, there aren't too many updates on him, other than OSU has a chance...
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