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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

Apologies if it's too early to talk about this...but does anyone wonder if yet another injury to Beanie hurts his draft stock? Regardless I think he's gone, and I think he should, but you know its eating him up that he couldn't be out there in the 4th quarter. Guy is such a bruiser - he takes a beating too I guess...
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Sdgobucks;1374280; said:
Why the [censored] sit in a zone for the whole last drive if your not going to keep someone deep to prevent the big play????? I dont [censored]ing get it, I cant stand watching the defense.
You do realize that the final play was an all-out blitz... they were also throwing different pressures at Colt on most of the plays on that final drive.

Step back and breathe.
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Tough, tough loss but I am damn proud of the way our team played tonight when faced with a 17-6 hole. They sacked up and fought tooth and nail to win that game.
You can be dissapointed in the result but as fans we can't ask for anything other than 100% effort and we got it tonight. Our guys fought right to the bitter end.
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The game itself exceeded expectations by a mile.... HOWEVER, that catch at the end on 4th down was incorrectly spotted. Yes the receiver reached across the 40, BUT as he was going down, he began to bobble the ball, it eventually ended up around his waist, and the side judge, who saw it all spotted him short.... What did the other refs see?!?!? I'm sorry that missed call was an absolute joke. Other than that call, congrats to Texas... Colt McCoy played one hell of a game, there's no denying that.
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Closing to let the moderation catch up with the nonsense; re-opening momentarily but bans will be handed out liberally.

Okay, here we go. Remember - yell at the plants if you must, but posts must follow the rules.
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Great game D! Questionable call to blitz at the end but it was working the whole game, so it is what it is.

Paltry showing once again from the Offense. I am devastated at this loss, we had them! Pryor looks to be a stud red zone WR. It is time for a new approach on offense, Tress has to put his ego aside, OSU is bigger than him.

I am upset with Beanie this year too. I know he runs hard and that takes its toll, but it is always something. The future starts with BOOM! Kid has heart.

One final note........Officiating sucked!

Go Bucks.
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We had our chances, Rob Rose and Russell both almost had picks on that last drive. But I admire the way they fought back especially when it was 17-6 Trxas it looked like this game was heading in direction of other big games but they turned it around and fought.
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One hell of a game tonight. Props to all the seniors that held it together the entire year, Jim Tressel being a true leader, Pryor and Boeckman working together like a well oiled machine, and all the fans that make Buckeye football what it is. I can't wait 'till college football 2009.
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Folks, I think this might be my fault.

YOu see... the wife's family came down to visit last weekend, and I uh...


I trimmed my beard.

I told myself it wouldn't matter--that the beard was still there, just less wild and bushy.

I've failed you all, and I'm sorry.

I throw myself upon the mercy of the court, and await my perma-ban for stupidity.
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One hell of a game tonight. Props to all the seniors that held it together the entire year, Jim Tressel being a true leader, Pryor and Boeckman working together like a well oiled machine, and all the fans that make Buckeye football what it is. I can't wait 'till college football 2009. OH-IO
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