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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

osugrad21;1373446; said:
Colt McCoy is legit...he is carrying Texas right now.
Agree about McCoy carrying the team and we knew that before hand. He is the leading rusher on their team .
We just have to keep doing what we are doing to make him pass before he wants to and keep him in the pocket.
Control McCoy and we will win this game.
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We will not win this game with 9 or 12 points. For god's sake Tressel take a chance. All that yardage and 3 field goal tries is all we have to show for it :( . Defense has been close to lights out, but they will not hold Texas out of endzone for entire game. Dual q-back was ok in first half to cross em up, but let Pryor make some plays and get us a win. We need at least 10 more points to wrap this up; 20-10 is my final prediction :oh:
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The analysis in the Behind the Numbers section of the preview suggested that Beanie would have a good day. It was part of what the other osu used to hold the 'horns to 28, and it's part of the defensive performance so far.(I'm sure this point has already been made.)

Gotta love it

Keep Colt Cold by keeping Colt sitting

When he does get on the field - smack him silly

He's still obviously a heck of a quarterback though. He's made some great plays.

But the play of the DL, and yes the OL too, is the story so far. I am very pleasantly surprised.
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The best part to me is unlike the last two bowls our team is in the locker room right now with no doubt in their mind that they can play with, and beat, this team.

Any self doubt they may have had coming into this one, even if unspoken, is gone now. Time to finish.
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About Todd. I can't see the game and his QB rating is really not very good. It is hard for me to see what he is adding.

However, he is an integral part of a senior class that is trying to make a statement in this game. His not playing has been a motivational issue with this team on both sides of the ball.

If it is helping these guys play like they are playing, then by all means, let him see the field.
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