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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

nwbuckeye;1373483; said:
We will not win this game with 9 or 12 points. For god's sake Tressel take a chance. All that yardage and 3 field goal tries is all we have to show for it :( . Defense has been close to lights out, but they will not hold Texas out of endzone for entire game. Dual q-back was ok in first halfk to cross em up, but let Pryor make some plays and get us a win. We need at least 10 more points to wrap this up; 20-7 :oh:

Tressel hasn't played conservative. we've been throwing the ball, quite a bit. thrown 3-4 long balls. we had good field position with under 2mins left and we threw 3 times. defense just beat us and pryor missed a wide open brandon smith in the flats.

also, there is no way Texas scores 7 in this game unless they get a safety...twice.
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The best part to me is unlike the last two bowls our team is in the locker room right now with no doubt in their mind that they can play with, and beat, this team.

Any self doubt they may have had coming into this one, even if unspoken, is gone now. Time to finish.
I agree.

This is a big thing, in my opinion.

Our Bucks can get this done.
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VegasBuckeye;1373485; said:
Half time note: F team Texas they look like some nasty crack whores imo.

We've had some fine Texas fans contribute to the discussion on this board.

This post is pure horseshit. Take crap like that to another board, or keep it to yourself.
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Texas is going to come out throwing this 2nd half. They might even completely stop running altogether although it shouldn't shock anyone if they try to get McCoy out on the edge.

Ohio STate has to continue to pressure McCoy. He hasn't seen a defense like what he saw in the first half.

And the offensive line needs to keep their fire going.
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THEWOOD;1373436; said:
Anyone else sick of seeing Todd in there yet? Im not bashing him. I just dont like the way it disrupts the offense.

Not yet. There hasn't been much of a result so far, but Todd has thrown a couple good passes. I bet JT has something cooked up for this in the second half. I bet if you can get Pryor matched up on the side of the field with man coverage there is a big play in there.
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osugrad21;1373495; said:
Im really not following blaming JT for this one...the calls have been there. Pryor has missed some throws and terrible penalties have stopped us short, but playcalling? Don't see it.

couldn't have said it better. Honestly, Terrelle is having a rough night outside of two scrambles. His throws have been significantly off, and he's made several curious choices of stepping out with lots of room to run.

The playcalling has been great. The execution has been off.

And the false start inside the 5 was huge.
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