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Game Thread FIESTA BOWL: tOSU 21, Texas 24 (01-05-09)

buckeyemania11;1373438; said:
I wonder if we will see A Boeckman to Pryor pass in the second half

That crossed my mind, too.

I'm guessing we were watching to see if they bothered covering him in the first half. If not...
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Having Flashback to 2002.

Hopefully our defense can hold for a couple series. I think beanie/the play action game could really open this game up. We're dominating everywhere but the scoreboard.

Colt is scurrred.
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OregonBuckeye;1373421; said:
This game is ours for the taking. Now we've just got to take it. That means you, offense. :biggrin:

Halftime MVP's:

Offense- Beanie
Defense- Heacock(see what happens when you bring pressure?)

Heacock has brought pressure all season. I'm a bit tried of this....it's working tonight. Sometimes against teams that block well (LSU - USC) and pick up the blitz, you are going to get burned.

The nice thing about TEjas is they are going 5 wide a significant amount, and we're sending 6. Which means we're playing a lot of man and telling Colt if his first read isn't there, he's eating dirt.

Unfortunately USC rolled away from our blitzes, froze our blitzes with play-action, and mostly picked our blitzes up with rb's, fb's and te's.

Hopefully Tejas has trouble adjusting, and hopefully Heacock is able to adjust if Tejas starts leaving more guys in to block.

Should be a good second half.
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THEWOOD;1373436; said:
Anyone else sick of seeing Todd in there yet? Im not bashing him. I just dont like the way it disrupts the offense.

Smooth Olaf;1373433; said:
One offensive adjustment I'd like to see is Todd Boeckman remain on the sidelines. He's a nice kid and all, but let Pryor do his thing. Unless Pryor gets hurt, I don't want anymore of these trick formations.

Of course, I reserve the right to take all this back if Boeckman comes in and throws a TD or two.

GoBuckeyes81;1373442; said:
I feel that we are winning in all aspects of the game. We just need to finsh strong on offense. I also think we should keep Boeckman out of the game. Very intense game we need to keep up the intensity and I feel like we can truly win this game.

Well, would you be saying that if Robiskie makes a decent effort and catches that ball in the first drive? And if hartline catches that low ball down by the goalline that hit him in the stomach?

Todd's done OK - he's done what JT has put him in there for.

Having said that, they can't match up with Pryor athletically. Or Beanie for that matter.

I just hope somebody (JT) gets in his face a little bit about the running out of bounds. Even Franco Harris would be ashamed.
We missed some really big plays and had some terrible penalties. Hope it doesn't come back to bite us, but that's been the M.O. this year - it has come back to bite us against good teams.

Keep pulling those guards!!
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buckeyebri;1373460; said:
It seemed like awful close to PI and that the defender was pulling his arms down as the ball was coming in.....would have liked to have seen Hartline pull that one in down near the endzone...I think he could have had it for the first down....TB put it the only place he could...

That was definitely a PI. The inexperienced DB couldn't hang with Robo so he just tackled him before the ball got there. That was a very well thrown ball too.
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Jake;1373465; said:
That crossed my mind, too.

I'm guessing we were watching to see if they bothered covering him in the first half. If not...

well they certainly haven't been covering him from what i've seen. on the ball tb forced down the middle deep, tp was wide open by over 10 yards.
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