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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

One can only hope the field condition is not a factor in the game. Unless, of course, it somehow favors the Bucks. :tongue2:
It was scary but fun to watch the quagmire at the BGSU/Miami game this evening. Testimony to what hard rain can do to game outcomes, for sure.
Go Bucks!
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coastalbuck;663060; said:
Link to Patriots site

As you can see, you can install it in that time period but it's unusual. I'm sure with three crews working on it 24/7 the cost goes up. And they can roll it all they want but it still will settle over time. Looks like the speed install only raised the price 100,000 give or take.

Well, I guess they can recoup that money by laying off the no longer needed groundscrew. :biggrin:
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smith288;663529; said:
Dont they have to ensure fungus and other annoying things like that dont creep up in a fake turf?
Well, if I'm following this thread correctly the field already caught a case of Steven A Smith. I don't know of many things more annoying than that.
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