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Field conditions at Ohio Stadium

coastalbuck;649155; said:
Tight would indicate shoot density in my opinion. Shoot density in cool season grasses can only mean two things, number of plants per given area, or, age of the plants in the sod. Cool season grasses are clump type grasses, the older the plant is the bigger the clump, meaning more shoots. The other end is more plants per given area, again, meaning more shoots. Either one could be the case. The problem with ryegrasses and fescues, which I assume the sod is one of the two, is they are very slow to develop a thatch layer, which leads to the second part of your post. Warm season grasses develop a thatch layer much quicker because they grow in a different way. Avoiding the technical terms they grow by sending out runners that sprout new plants, they are not a clump, or bunch type grass. Therefore, they develop a mat of plant material that provides a buffer between the soil and the playing surface.

So, to sum it up. If it is tight, it would either be more plants per given area, or older sod. Either one would work for what they need. The long term solution is another story.

Sorry for the long winded answer, there just is a lot involved.
no problem. thanks. have some greenies. :)
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Saw some aerial shots of the field on the news tonight. Looked pretty good from 1000 feet. The field is not yet lined, so the shot from inside Ohio Stadium on Gameday (with nice green grass and lined field) was from earlier in the year.

I may be over by the stadium tomorrow, so I'll see if the gate is open and try to take a pic on my phone.
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Haven't seen any updates in a week.
This seems to be a forgotten issue.

Found this comment on O-Zone from a poster by the name of OSU 96........
I had a chance to walk in the stadium today, the field looks very good. I don't know how it will hold up though.

Edit: It seems that on the scUM boards they know smething that we don't!!
This is hilarious and worth the time I promise. Can you say "Paranoia"?


Anybody seen the field in the last couple of days - it should be looking pretty good with the weather we've had.
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I saw this on the ticker the other day, and thought it was interesting in light of what's happened at Ohio State this year. Didn't the Patriots/Gillette Stadium use turf from the same farm as what's being replaced for the scUM game?

Pats to install FieldTurf for Bears game By Paul Perillo, Patriots Football Weekly After fruitlessly trying to keep the grass playing surface at Gillette Stadium in suitable condition, the Patriots have decided to install FieldTurf in time for the Nov. 26 game against the Chicago Bears.

After Sunday’s driving rain that turned the new sod at Gillette Stadium into a quagmire, Patriots Football Weekly has learned that the Patriots finally decided to pull the trigger and do away with natural grass and will install FieldTurf.
Work crews were on hand Tuesday morning bulldozing what was left of the mangled surface with the intention of installing FieldTurf, a synthetic grass surface used in roughly half of the NFL’s stadiums. The new surface will be ready for the team’s next home game, Nov. 26 against the Chicago Bears. Incidentally, as part of the NFL's new flex scheduling plan, kickoff for that game has been switched from 1 p.m. to 4:15 p.m.
The playing conditions at Gillette Stadium have long been the cause of much consternation in Foxborough. Late in the 2003 season the NFL ordered the Patriots to re-sod the area between the hashmarks before New England hosted the Tennessee Titans in a divisional playoff game.
Ever since then the conditions have been periodically called into question. But the debates heated up this season when a heavy offseason concert load, the New England Revolution’s home schedule and the filming of the Disney movie “The Game Plan” left the field in abysmal shape. Even the opener against Buffalo was played on a chewed up field that more resembled midseason.
By the time the Miami Dolphins left town after an Oct. 8 defeat, even Bill Belichick commented on how bad things had gotten.
“The field is in terrible condition,” he said. “I don’t think anybody in this
organization is happy about it or thinks it’s in good condition. We’ll see what we can do about it.”
The first plan was obviously to try to re-sod the field in an attempt to improve things. The field actually held up reasonably well in the first game – a 27-20 loss to Indianapolis Nov. 5 – but Sunday’s rain evidently left the organization no alternative other than a synthetic surface.
There were reports last month that indicated switching playing surfaces during the middle of the season was forbidden by the NFL, but Patriots President Jonathan Kraft said recently on an 890 ESPN Radio Boston interview that no such rule exists.

I realize that neither Columbus nor Foxboro have optimal conditions for maintaining natural grass this time of year - even with the best of care. Still, is there any chance this is more than a coincidence?

Also, I thought I read somewhere in this thread that FieldTurf takes longer than two weeks to install? I wonder how that is gonna work for the Patriots, and why people seemed to be saying that it would've been impossible for Ohio State. I can understand that there are probably more administrative hoops to jump through for Ohio State versus a pro franchise - but from a functional, playability standpoint, it seems like artificial turf could've been pulled off in the 'Shoe. Am I wrong in thinking that?
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