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Fantasy Football Advice

Flacco vs. Atlanta or Stafford vs. NO?

Flacco. I love my falcons but they have the 4th worst passing defense in the league. They have no pass rush and Atlanta's Offense also can't run the ball so TOP is going to be in the favor of Baltimore. NO ranks 25th in the league in passing defense but the Lions will have no Calvin Johnson. Look for Flacco to tear the Atlanta back 7 up. 315 yd 3 td no picks.
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Flacco. I love my falcons but they have the 4th worst passing defense in the league. They have no pass rush and Atlanta's Offense also can't run the ball so TOP is going to be in the favor of Baltimore. NO ranks 25th in the league in passing defense but the Lions will have no Calvin Johnson. Look for Flacco to tear the Atlanta back 7 up. 315 yd 3 td no picks.

I play a guy with Flacco this week.
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Are you guys seeing ridiculous parody in your leagues so far this year? My league has one guy at 4-2, one guy at 2-4, and eight people at 3-3. I've never seen that before.

I've been lucky as hell in one of my money leagues. I'm currently in last place in regards to "points for," yet I still have a 4-2 record and am in 4th place because of timing of other teams shitting the bed when playing me.
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Slump buster strikes again...hope yall started Ivory...if you have any last minute questions..check out my earlier post...of my opponents lineup. That'll be who you want to start
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