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Fantasy Football Advice

I'm so fucking tired of people having career weeks against me. Brandon Oliver, Mo Sanu, TY Hilton. Kelvin Benjamin and Edelman pitching in for 14 each. Aaron Rodgers going off for 30. Still has Gore going.

I'm going to have enough points to beat almost everybody, and lose, again.
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an interesting trade proposal to me.

Me getting:

Antonio Gates TE
Matthew Stafford QB

He gets:

Julius Thomas TE

It's an interesting offer because my QB's are Eli and Cousins. Also sitting out as free agent TE's are Dwayne Allen, Kelce, and Fleener.

This is a tricky league because you only start 1 qb, 2 rb, 2 wr, and a DEF and the point system is severely handicapped. Like last week the high scorer had 64 points. So points are hard to come by.

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