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Fantasy Football Advice

I'd go Crowell. He'll probably get some extra carries in garbage time.
Already got Tate starting... of course right now I have Hopkins & Johnsons starting too..
Trying to decide if I should drop Foles or Matt Ryan and pick up Flacco. League only allows 2 QBs on roster.

Who's playing whom this week and why do you want to pick up Flacco?
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Already got Tate starting... of course right now I have Hopkins & Johnsons starting too..

Who's playing whom this week and why do you want to pick up Flacco?
Foles is on a bye and Ryan is going against Baltimore. Honestly, the way scoring is in that league, QB really doesn't matter. Probably will just stick with Ryan for the week and hope Foles has a better 2nd half of the season.
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Foles is on a bye and Ryan is going against Baltimore. Honestly, the way scoring is in that league, QB really doesn't matter. Probably will just stick with Ryan for the week and hope Foles has a better 2nd half of the season.
i'd go with that plan to ... but full disclosure .. i'm 0-6 in my league this year...
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