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Fantasy Football Advice

  • Four of the seven losses for [My Team] this season have come when their opponent had their highest-scoring week of the season.

Teams are AVERAGING 140 points against me... my points against are 100 points higher than anyone else...

Clearly the fantasy gods are PISSED at me.
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  • Four of the seven losses for [My Team] this season have come when their opponent had their highest-scoring week of the season.

Teams are AVERAGING 140 points against me... my points against are 100 points higher than anyone else...

Clearly the fantasy gods are PISSED at me.

That's like the exact opposite of me this year. I'm last in the league in scoring, but tied with 3 other guys right now with the best record. The wheels have to fall off eventually, right? I can't keep getting everyone's worst game week in and week out.
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Looking at a defense this week and I need to get back on track.

I could stick with Cleveland coming back home pissed off against the Raiders and their terrible Oline
I could (can't believe I"m typing this) use Dallas against Washington in the hope that Colt McCoy starts for the Skins.
Next best option I can think of might be Minny vs TB or the J-E-T-S vs Buffalo.

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The problem is you probably won't know about McCoy starting until AFTER all the other games, since it's a money night game.

Oakland still has some offensive potential, despite that offensive line.

Buffalo seems to be putting it together lately, but the are without thier top two RB's now.

I haven't watched TB much this year, or Minnesota for that matter. So I really don't know on that one.
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Team A
RB - Demarco Murray
RB - Andre Ellington
WR - Demaryius Thomas
WR - Andre Johnson
WR - Malcom Floyd
Flex - Bishop Sankey

BN - Cordarrelle Patterson
BN - Carlos Hyde
BN - Brandin Cooks
BN - Tre Mason
BN - DeAndre Hopkins

Team B
RB - Marshawn Lynch
RB - Arian Foster
WR - Kendall Wright
WR - Allen Robinson
WR - Dwayne Bowe
Flex - Lamar Miller

BN - Percy Harvin
BN - Chris Ivory
BN - Steve Smith
BN - Matt Asiata
BN - Andre Holmes

Malcom Floyd + DeAndre Hopkins for Lamar Miller?

Bonus: Team A trades anybody not named Andre or DeAndre for Andre Holmes....renames the team Quadruple EntAndre?
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Do you think there's any shot they'd take that offer for Foster or Lynch? I'm not giving up Demaryius...I think Andre Johnson is the better of the 2 Houston WRs but Hopkins has done more so far, so I figured he'd be worth more in a trade.
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Do you think there's any shot they'd take that offer for Foster or Lynch? I'm not giving up Demaryius...I think Andre Johnson is the better of the 2 Houston WRs but Hopkins has done more so far, so I figured he'd be worth more in a trade.
he needs WR help ... Worst he can say is No..

btw folks I got this offer after i posted a fire sale

Kendell Wright & Stephen Jackson for Andre Johnson.... remember i'm 0-7 so I need to find out when Kendell was draft to see if he's worth a keeper for next year...
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Do you think there's any shot they'd take that offer for Foster or Lynch? I'm not giving up Demaryius...I think Andre Johnson is the better of the 2 Houston WRs but Hopkins has done more so far, so I figured he'd be worth more in a trade.

Lynch, yes. Foster, no. Short term memory with foster putting up numbers the last couple games. People will probably think Beast mode has fallen off.
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I got 14 points out of Sanu, but only 4 points out of Ertz. Guess we'll see what Reed does tomorrow for comparison.

The only problem was the guy i'm playing had freaking Miami's defense. I have a lead right now but I'm done and he still has Rogers, GB kicker, and some WR for Dallas tomorrow.

Basically I'm hanging on by a thread. Could use some more picks or an injury to Rogers......:lol:
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