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Fantasy Football Advice

Just got a trade offer from the guy who is inexplicably in first place. I get Tom Brady and Eric Decker, he gets Demarco Murray.

I'm considering accepting, because I recently fell down 40 flights of stairs, hitting every step with my head on the way down.
:slappy: ... why can't that shit happen to me... i'd love to get Demarco murray for Shady at this point.
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In my money league my running back situation has turned into a mess. What was a healthy and fantasy dominant Rashad Jennings is now hurt.
Usually I was able to plug him in at the RB1 spot and get creative at the RB2 spot. Well, can't do that shit right now as I'm actually projected to lose
for the first time this season.

So I have waiver priority this week and these are the names I'm looking at.

Chris Ivory vs Denver. Actually, he's on my bench. Solid start to the season, but now defenses are crowding the line vs the Jets and its pointless.

Option #1 James Starks vs Miami. The Daaaalllphins are shitty against the run. Starks workload hasn't been far behind Lacy and he actually sees more 3rd down snaps.
Option #2 Antone Smith vs Chicago. This kid has been explosive when he gets the ball. Why the Falcons don't use him more is beyond me?
Jerick McKinnon vs Detroit. The Lions front four is just nasty again the run. Plus no guarantee Teddy is starting and if the Vikings get down early, they'll have to abandon the run game.

I'm actually leaning more towards my second option as I type this. I honestly think its between Starks and Smith, however some input is always appreciated.
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In my money league my running back situation has turned into a mess. What was a healthy and fantasy dominant Rashad Jennings is now hurt.
Usually I was able to plug him in at the RB1 spot and get creative at the RB2 spot. Well, can't do that [Mark May] right now as I'm actually projected to lose
for the first time this season.

So I have waiver priority this week and these are the names I'm looking at.

Chris Ivory vs Denver. Actually, he's on my bench. Solid start to the season, but now defenses are crowding the line vs the Jets and its pointless.

Option #1 James Starks vs Miami. The Daaaalllphins are [Mark May]ty against the run. Starks workload hasn't been far behind Lacy and he actually sees more 3rd down snaps.
Option #2 Antone Smith vs Chicago. This kid has been explosive when he gets the ball. Why the Falcons don't use him more is beyond me?
Jerick McKinnon vs Detroit. The Lions front four is just nasty again the run. Plus no guarantee Teddy is starting and if the Vikings get down early, they'll have to abandon the run game.

I'm actually leaning more towards my second option as I type this. I honestly think its between Starks and Smith, however some input is always appreciated.
go with the 2nd option

WRs for this week:
A Johnson
D Jackson
J Wright
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I could never use Hopkins or Andre - Fitz as the QB and on a team that likes to run the ball. Its one of those where if you start them and get production you're either a genius or lucky.

I want to say Crabtree because the Rams secondary and backers have been suspect lately. Desean has a plus matchup because the Washington Oline has looked decent and the Cards are devastated by
injury including Peterson being probable.

As I type this, I have a feeling Andre Johnson gets back on track. Not sure why, its a hunch.
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I could never use Hopkins or Andre - Fitz as the QB and on a team that likes to run the ball. Its one of those where if you start them and get production you're either a genius or lucky.

I want to say Crabtree because the Rams secondary and backers have been suspect lately. Desean has a plus matchup because the Washington Oline has looked decent and the Cards are devastated by
injury including Peterson being probable.

As I type this, I have a feeling Andre Johnson gets back on track. Not sure why, its a hunch.
whats funny... Hopkins has out produced and out performed most guys.. he's ave a little over 10 points a week...
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In my money league my running back situation has turned into a mess. What was a healthy and fantasy dominant Rashad Jennings is now hurt.
Usually I was able to plug him in at the RB1 spot and get creative at the RB2 spot. Well, can't do that [Mark May] right now as I'm actually projected to lose
for the first time this season.

So I have waiver priority this week and these are the names I'm looking at.

Chris Ivory vs Denver. Actually, he's on my bench. Solid start to the season, but now defenses are crowding the line vs the Jets and its pointless.

Option #1 James Starks vs Miami. The Daaaalllphins are [Mark May]ty against the run. Starks workload hasn't been far behind Lacy and he actually sees more 3rd down snaps.
Option #2 Antone Smith vs Chicago. This kid has been explosive when he gets the ball. Why the Falcons don't use him more is beyond me?
Jerick McKinnon vs Detroit. The Lions front four is just nasty again the run. Plus no guarantee Teddy is starting and if the Vikings get down early, they'll have to abandon the run game.

I'm actually leaning more towards my second option as I type this. I honestly think its between Starks and Smith, however some input is always appreciated.
I'd go smith also
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:slappy: of course not... if I woulda started Johnson.. that woulda been Hopkins with a TD... there's a reason i'm 0-5..

Just a heads up, any suggestions I give will only work this year. Do NOT, under any circumstances listen to me in odd number years. 2011 I sucked ass and Jamaal Charles screwed me. 2012 - awesome. 2013, fuck Alfred Morris. 2014 - marching to 5-1. 2015...? Just put me on ignore.
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