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Fan Behavior and KH's Apology (Merged all)

I'm not sure where tbone and Ramair were, but I can assure you it was nowhere near me.

Since we had two top 5 traditional powers that had never met before, I was expecting some friendly, respectful and funny trash talk before a game. Perhaps even a nice analysis of our respective team's chances since both of us would obviously be huge college football fans. What I and every other Texas fan I saw got was none of the above.

Pre-game taunts (note that other than the last one, which was included only because it was so far out of left field, all of these were yelled at us dozens of times, so I'm only including the big ones)

Steers and Queers? not that funny (especially after the 83rd time in the first hour), and definitely not respectful when yelled in the eardrum

Texas Sucks? Goes without saying this does not satisfy any of the 3 criteria, especially when yelled repeatedly.

F** you? See above

Go home you faggots? See above

Boomer Sooner- yes we have had our problems with a certain school to the north (shades of Cooper in the 90's), but does a program with the history and success of OSU need to rely on OU?

Where is your green card you illegal alien- Not sure what this one was but we got it a few times. I assume it is a reference to Texas as a border state, but who knows.

Post game

Now, i know you guys have very little experience in losing big games, but I unfortunately do, and I can tell you this- when you lose, shut up, shake the opponents hand, tell them good game, and go lock yourself in some room and deal with the inevtiable post-game depression. The following are ways not to handle it-

Texas sucks- Are you guys aware of the transitive property?

Throwing water bottles from the upper deck of the stadium at Texas fans (not cool)

Threats of physical violence- not cool

Throwing beer bottles- once again not cool

Get the hell out of our town you faggot- find me a cab and I'll be out of this little riot in a second

Well OU will still beat you- perhaps, but will that really make you feel better about the game, and does a program like OSU need to rely on others?

Mind you, this was not a case of a few bad apples, that happens everywhere and I dismiss it when it does. What I saw as a bunch of bad apples, and the few good ones were doing nothing to stop it. And regarding the poster that says who knows what the Texas fans were doing to provoke it, I can promise you that any Texas fan that was trying to provoke something Saturday had a death wish.
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Throwing water bottles from the upper deck of the stadium at Texas fans (not cool)

Mind you, this was not a case of a few bad apples, that happens everywhere and I dismiss it when it does. What I saw as a bunch of bad apples, and the few good ones were doing nothing to stop it. And regarding the poster that says who knows what the Texas fans were doing to provoke it, I can promise you that any Texas fan that was trying to provoke something Saturday had a death wish.

First part I would like to ask is where were you sitting at in the stadium? Because I was in the stadium and was in A deck and didn't see a single bottle be thrown from anywhere.

And for texas fans not provoking, how about the two guys I saw walk up to maybe a 9 years old girl who was waiting with her mother ( I am assuming the dad was in the restroom) and getting in her face and saying hook these bitch.
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I don't know that they were students, I was just saying that every fan base has people who take it too far. I seriously doubt that all texas fans are perfectly respectful like some claim on here. Likewise, obviously not all OSU fans are this way.

If this game had been in Austin, and we had come from behind and spoiled the best chance texas has had in years to win a title... I bet there would have been some poor sports considering they would have been drinking all day too.

Sorry to hear that tho.

Do you get this upset when the OU fans shout these things? B/c if you just expct there will be some trash talking, a lot of it can bounce off.
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I don't know that they were students, I was just saying that every fan base has people who take it too far. I seriously doubt that all texas fans are perfectly respectful like some claim on here. Likewise, obviously not all OSU fans are this way.

I know you didn't mean it to sound that way and sorry if I came off a bit harsh. It is just that i had this discussion over the weekend about students being out of control. This person I was talking to had never been here beofore and only knew what he saw on TV and made some comments about well looks like the students are going to riot tonight. I explained that allot of those people that get busted for rioting are not really even OSU students. So when people assume that college age looking kids being asses are OSU students I get a little defensive
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I know you didn't mean it to sound that way and sorry if I came off a bit harsh. It is just that i had this discussion over the weekend about students being out of control. This person I was talking to had never been here beofore and only knew what he saw on TV and made some comments about well looks like the students are going to riot tonight. I explained that allot of those people that get busted for rioting are not really even OSU students. So when people assume that college age looking kids being asses are OSU students I get a little defensive
fair enough, I can understand being defensive... you're guaranteed a lot of bad apples when you have 50,000 students, and lots more college age kids that act like morons.
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Mr. Incredible, nice sig

The water bottle was thrown after the game while I was standing on the ground level area outside the stadium. I did not actually see someone in red throw it, but since it landed right in the middle of a big group of people wearing orange, I have a sneaking suspicion it was not a longhorn that threw it.

Regarding the taunts at the 9 year old. That is unacceptable and I am embarrassed that anyone representing my school did such a thing. I can promise you that if I were there I would have stepped in aplogized to the girl and the parents and told the idiots in orange to show some respect. That is the problem I was seeing, none of the good fans seemed to be doing anything to slow down the inmates that were running the place. Heck, you are still on here arguing their behavior was justified as retaliation for the incident with the young girl.
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Mr. Incredible, nice sig

Regarding the taunts at the 9 year old. That is unacceptable and I am embarrassed that anyone representing my school did such a thing. I can promise you that if I were there I would have stepped in aplogized to the girl and the parents and told the idiots in orange to show some respect. That is the problem I was seeing, none of the good fans seemed to be doing anything to slow down the inmates that were running the place. Heck, you are still on here arguing their behavior was justified as retaliation for the incident with the young girl.

I'm not argueing that it was acceptable. I am just saying that because you had a bad experience does not mean that all of our fans are like that. You have to remember that you were in a area with hundreds of buckeyes fans. What I am saying is that just because you saw the bad ones, do not assume that everyone is like that.

I am not assuming that the couple of fans that I saw from texas made all texas fans asses. But I didn't really get to talk to all of the fans. So by your logic based on what I saw I should assume all fans of texas like to attack little girls.

So basicly, don't judge all by just a fews actions is what I am saying.
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I believe every bit of your story...but I also follow the old adage of 3 sides to every story. Your side, their side, and what really happened.

I do believe the incidents are exaggerated...but did happen.

I do believe their was equal provocation on both sides.

I do believe the percentage of overly-rowdy fans is greatly exaggerated.

I do not condone any form of physical assault or threats.

I have been to countless tOSU games including a number of hostile games with scUM, PSU, Wisky, and MSU...I have witnessed some classless actions, but never in the grand magnitude that has been stated after this game. I'm not saying you are lying, but I am saying that I will take these stories with a grain of salt and the other sides in mind.

That is not a defense of the idiots who embarrassed our school, but it is a defense of those who do their best to uphold it.
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Winslow- regarding OU fans, we each have our moments, but for the most part fans at the game have a respect for each other. Sure there are the taunts, but it is a huge rivalry game. I was shocked at the level of hatred from a school we have never even played.

Also, I have been to many many TX/OU games, close wins, close losses, blowout wins, and blowout losses (too many of those lately), and have never experienced the crap I got this past weekend, and have certainly never feared for my safety. Perhaps, that is due to the fact that the fan base at TX/OU is always split evenly.
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I believe every bit of your story...but I also follow the old adage of 3 sides to every story. Your side, their side, and what really happened.

I do believe the incidents are exaggerated...but did happen.

I do believe their was equal provocation on both sides.

I do believe the percentage of overly-rowdy fans is greatly exaggerated.

I do not condone any form of physical assault or threats.

I have been to countless tOSU games including a number of hostile games with scUM, PSU, Wisky, and MSU...I have witnessed some classless actions, but never in the grand magnitude that has been stated after this game. I'm not saying you are lying, but I am saying that I will take these stories with a grain of salt and the other sides in mind.

That is not a defense of the idiots who embarrassed our school, but it is a defense of those who do their best to uphold it.

Damn it grad you always seem to be able to take what I am thinking and pet it in post much better than I can.
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I believe every bit of your story...but I also follow the old adage of 3 sides to every story. Your side, their side, and what really happened.

I do believe the incidents are exaggerated...but did happen.

Oh yeah.... well I saw a Texas fan cut one of our fan's head off after the game!!!

buckeyefool, you were there!!!
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