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ESPN (A bunch of Death-Spiraling maroons)

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This is a long, bizarre read.

Is An ESPN Columnist Scamming People On The Internet?

Is Sarah Phillips for real? Thirteen months ago, she was an unknown message-board participant at Covers.com, a gambling website. Then Covers plucked her from the boards and gave her a weekly column, sight unseen. Five months after that, she was tapped by Lynn Hoppes, an editor for ESPN.com, to write a weekly column for ESPN's Page 2?once the home of writers like David Halberstam, Ralph Wiley, and Hunter S. Thompson, and which has now been rebranded as ESPN's Playbook. The swiftness of her ascent gave her that weird sort of internet half-celebrity whereby she became moderately famous before anyone really knew who she was.

Or before anyone was sure that she existed at all. In message boards over at Covers and websites like Beyond the Bets, you'll still see questions about things that should be elementary: Is she actually in her 20s? A college student? Does she actually gamble as much as she's claimed? Why doesn't she ever appear on videos or podcasts? Has she harassed people? Is she actually a scammer? Is she really who she says she is?
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Dryden;2149704; said:
WARNING: Clicking this link fired off two different warnings on my machine for malware installers. Clicking another link to a different Awful Announcing article triggered a popup for Sirefef.B quarantine. That site has been hacked.

If you've already visited it within the past couple days, update your virus scanner. If you don't have one, get Microsoft Security Essentials and MalWare Bytes ASAP.

sorry, nothing came up when i went there. I have MSE and was updated last night. havent opened it since i posted :/
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knapplc;2149993; said:
This is a long, bizarre read.

This story is awesome. It keeps getting better and weirder, too.

If you're on Twitter, there's an account called @OhWonka. It posts a bunch of condescending/sarcastic things. Kind of funny every once in a while. I guess the same person who controls the Sarah Phillips Twitter account controls that account. @NotBillWalton confirmed this. :lol: I wouldn't be surprised if NotBillWalton was Phillips.

At this point it sounds like someone just made this Sarah Phillips persona to get lots of money from advertising. He/she used this persona to get access to others' money and accounts that had already had some popularity, and made those accounts more popular. Got started covering gambling.

...then ESPN comes in and hires this person/allows him/her to freelance on their website without doing any research on who the person actually is. They come out looking like total fucking idiots who, shocker, don't care about integrity (just money). They ended their freelance relationship with Phillips/whoever it is tonight.

Ridiculous story, I love it.

EDIT: According to NotBillWalton, the OhWonka account was just acquired by Phillips 2-3 days ago.

This story is so ridiculous, a fake Bill Walton Twitter account is breaking news about an ex-ESPN writer stealing a bunch of Twitter accounts, including a sarcastic Willy Wonka account. Also, this person scammed a bunch of people out of money for bets and meme sites. WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!?! :lol:
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The further down the rabbit hole you go, the weirder this gets.

LINK - More updates from Deadspin. This story is developing as we speak.

It's astounding that Deadspin has CLEARLY done more research into "Sarah Phillips" than ESPN did before they hired "her." Way to go, morons.

LINK - threats of legal action from "Sarah Phillips" to one of the people "she" scammed out of a twitter account.

[REMOVED] - yet more to the story. Some overlap here from the Deadspin article, but more screen grabs from twitter accounts, etc. since lots of stuff is getting deleted. But it's the internet - nothing is ever deleted.
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