The quest for Fort Amol is also bugged. Fortunately this one went much easier thanks to some of the things I figured out over the course of trying to complete the previous quest. The only difference with this one - the quest giver did not give the "Reporting for duty" option in the dialogue, which did not allow me to initiate the quest. The solution for that part of it was quite simple - just deactivate the quest in your journal, exit the menu completely, then after pausing for a few seconds go back in and reactivate it. That allowed the proper dialogue to appear.
Also it appears that the 31 days may have been a pretty important factor in both this workaround and the one for the previous quest. I saved before and after the waiting this time, tried to do everything but the wait, and the quest remained broken.
I'm pretty stubborn about this stuff now. Eventually they'll patch this thing and it'll run fairly smoothly (for Bethesda). I'm going to plow through this questline one way or another right now just on principle.