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Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim

I think I am going to do both. Right now I am a "good" warrior nord that I will join the imperials with. Whenever I want a refresh, I think I will start over with a "bad" thief character that sneaks and back stabs- I will join the stormcloaks with him.
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Stuck in Fort Sungard now. It's usually a Stormcloak quest I guess, but since the game made me agree to have the Imperials hand it over during the main quest, I am now tasked with taking it back.

I have saved frequently and have tried any number of tricks and approaches, but nothing seems to work. I did get the Legion troops and enemy Stormcloaks to spawn a couple times, but couldn't get it to let me finish. One time is stopped respawning enemies with 90% left to kill, and another time it stopped with just 3%. :smash: Most of the time though, I can't get anybody to show up and it automatically fails the quest.

I'm at a loss now - I've tried looking stuff up, tried doing what workarounds I could, but most of the information that's out there is geared toward Stormcloak characters who are trying to clear out Imperials, rather than vice versa.
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HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Suck it, Bethesda! Take your game-killing bugs and shove 'em straight up your asses!

After 48 hours of real time (about 15 hours of gameplay) playing the run-up to this same fucking quest over and over again, isolating every variable imaginable, I finally cracked it!

Here was the winning combo:
  1. Shut off ALL autosaves.
  2. Go to house in Solitude, wait there for 31 days.
  3. Fast travel to Bthardamz, then walk to the Imperial Camp to receive quest.
  4. Fast travel to Fort Sungard. If there are any sentient beings inside, kill them before they all get raptured by the game and disappear. Allies will hear you dealing death from a distance and eventually join.
  5. Once you hit 0%, manual save that fucker.

Honestly, I'm not sure if the 31 day wait was necessary. I'm not going back to find out. I think turning off autosaves was the real key though. Earlier tonight as I began to hone in on what combination of actions would work, I would try to create a save at some point along the chain to lock in a few steps and avoid having to backtrack so far every time I started over. That would seem to kill any progress and make the quest appear 100% broken rather than the 50% I had been able to achieve after a few steps.

I hate to say it because I love this game warts and all, and I love the TES series, but this was the most challenging thing I've ever done in a TES game. At this point I think I could do this sequence blindfolded, forward or backward, even killing the two bears and the dragon I'd encounter between Bthardamz and the Imperial Camp every time. :lol:
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The quest for Fort Amol is also bugged. Fortunately this one went much easier thanks to some of the things I figured out over the course of trying to complete the previous quest. The only difference with this one - the quest giver did not give the "Reporting for duty" option in the dialogue, which did not allow me to initiate the quest. The solution for that part of it was quite simple - just deactivate the quest in your journal, exit the menu completely, then after pausing for a few seconds go back in and reactivate it. That allowed the proper dialogue to appear.

Also it appears that the 31 days may have been a pretty important factor in both this workaround and the one for the previous quest. I saved before and after the waiting this time, tried to do everything but the wait, and the quest remained broken.

I'm pretty stubborn about this stuff now. Eventually they'll patch this thing and it'll run fairly smoothly (for Bethesda). I'm going to plow through this questline one way or another right now just on principle.
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Smooth Olaf;2090220; said:
I never walked to Markarth. I woke up there as part of a highly enjoyable Hangover-esque storyline.

Same here.

Although on multiple occasions I've walked from Solitude to Riften just to do it. I usually run into some things I've never seen when I do that. I've still barely explored the southwest side of the map.. around Markarth especially.
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It's been a long time, but I did the long walk too. With the way it's tucked into the backside of the mountains of The Reach it's a little tricky to get to. Gotta follow those road signs.

By far, I've spent most of my time in Whiterun and Solitude so far. Next after those for me has been Markarth. I'd say I've half-explored it to this point. It's definitely one of the most interesting places in the game in my opinion, I look forward to doing more there at some point.
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I love how big this game is... I wandered around with no real goal for hours tonight. Didn't know there were orc strongholds in the game and I was 70 hours in when I found my first one. :lol:

I started a second character a while ago. Level 25 and I haven't even talked to the Jarl of Whiterun yet. No dragons (which is good and bad). Just think it's crazy that there's that much to do in the game.. I've done the Thieves Guild quests on this character. But none others. Level 25 with only one big story line done. Crazy how much there is to do.
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3074326;2090238; said:
I love how big this game is... I wandered around with no real goal for hours tonight. Didn't know there were orc strongholds in the game and I was 70 hours in when I found my first one. :lol:

I've been spending a lot of time exploring. I basically just go from dark marker to dark marker until I feel satisfied that I have that area of the map explored.

I spent the last couple days exploring the entire west side of the map (from Solitude to Markath) and ran into an orc stronghold. I harvested some mushrooms inside one and they got pissed.

Bottom line of this long story, fuck the orcs and their stupid strongholds that they are so sensitive about. :lol:
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jlb1705;2090276; said:
Lvl. 76. Have not seen an orc stronghold. :lol:

They're all on the edge of the map tucked into the mountains. Once you find one you can ask and they will tell you the names of them all (five or so) which puts them all on your map for you.

I also forgot to mention, as I was exploring I randomly ran into a fire mage fighting an ice mage in the woods. For some reason I found that hilarious.

I imagine something along the lines of a Billy Madison fight:

"Fire is betta!"

"No, ice is betta!"

"Oh really, fool!"


And so on...

I, of course, killed them both and stole their stuff.
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