OneBuckeye;2037653; said:
still looking for a place to stash my dragon scale and dragon bone till I get a house. My housecarl is dead and the place I have it (mages quarters in winterhold) apparently isn't a safe place. Anyone else have any ideas? Also any legit ways to quickly raise 4k in gold to buy a house?
Owned containers aren't a good idea since their contents respawn periodically, and anything you place there could disappear.
Dryden;2037728; said:
I've just been piling stuff up by the bookshelves in the Jarl's place in Dragonreach/Whiterun. I figured Lydia would guard it since I left her there too, and nobody is going to touch the Thane's stuff.
I read somewhere that NPCs will pick up items that you drop sometimes. I think that was in a preview, a long time ago. I guess if you're gonna drop stuff somewhere, that spot might be as safe as any.
All of this is why I made buying a house one of my first priorities.
I took advantage of the fact that you can actually still walk, just not run, when overencumbered. I'll clear out an entire dungeon before looting any of it, then load up on everything I can find with a value-weight ratio of 10:1 or higher, then spend the extra time to walk back to town. If you do that and switch to third-person mode, it doesn't look like you're going as slow and you can take the time to enjoy the view. After doing this a couple times I was able to buy a house in Whiterun, and now that I'm over 10,000 gold I don't have to do that kind of thing as much.
Also, mining is a good way to make some money, especially if you've picked up the transmute spell. You need a heavy pickaxe to extract ore, but I've been able to find one lying around in every mine I've been in so far. I was able to mine iron ore, transmute it to silver ore, then gold ore, smelt it, then smith it into jewelery. One gold ingot will make two gold rings for you to sell.