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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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808 Buck;1946599; said:
Pelini and Fitzgerald would be a war. I'm guessing that Bo gets DQ'd for some type of illegal contact.

Watch out for Zook. The guy's got a lot of talent, just lacks technique.

Put a double quarter pound cheeseburger outside of the ring for the Bielema-Hoke match. Winner takes it.

In the end, Fick would win, but Ferentz would be named the most outstanding performer for doing more with less.


The Zookster is guano bat shit crazy and retard strong. If it were a bar fight my money is on him.

If this were expanded to include hoops my money is on Bo Ryan all day long.

No question in my mind that mean old bastard would be the dirtiest sumbich you'd ever have the misfortune to go to a barroom floor with. Guarantee he'd bite off something (finger tip, ear, nose, nuts...something).
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Jaxbuck;1947380; said:
If this were expanded to include hoops my money is on Bo Ryan all day long.

Maybe. But if one were to hum or possibly sing this:

Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas come this way. Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas, Christmas day.

Well we all know what that would do to him.
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buckiprof;1947407; said:
Maybe. But if one were to hum or possibly sing this:


Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas come this way. Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas, Christmas day.

Well we all know what that would do to him.

I put the human-raccoon hybrid who sings the song in for you.
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buckiprof;1947407; said:
Maybe. But if one were to hum or possibly sing this:

Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas come this way. Fahoo fores dahoo dores Welcome Christmas, Christmas day.

Well we all know what that would do to him.

Well you'd better hope his heart grows before he snatches your nuts off.
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Jaxbuck;1947380; said:
The Zookster is guano bat shit crazy and retard strong. If it were a bar fight my money is on him.

I'm thinking Pelini may be a psychopath. I wouldn't bet against him. He'd be the one that brings the open hand punch with a roll of dimes hidden in his palm.
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buckeyenation3;1947372; said:
I still think Urban Meyer would make the perfect coach. It's good to give Fickell a chance.

Urban Meyer is the perfect coach, but not for the Buckeyes. The more I see of Coach Fickell, the more I like him. I would like to see coach Fickell get a few more years and have him be able build a coaching staff of his own and not just leftovers from Coach Tressel's staff. I would like to see who he would bring in as an offensive coordinator and what kind of offense Coach Fickell would run.
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I would be very nervous about hiring Meyer.

Yes, he's a proven winner and all that, but the way things fell apart for him personally and for the Gators, I'd be nervous that he has 'jumped the shark' so to speak.

Being the hands-on-every-aspect style coach nearly killed him, and trying to be the CEO type coach didn't really work out.

Additionally, your TimTebows doesn't come around that often.

I am not that enamored with Gruden as a college coach either.

He won a Super Bowl with a team that Dungy built and a decent run with the Raiders with Gannon pulling the trigger, but being a college coach is a very different animal, and his tenure after winning the Super Bowl isn't really that impressive.

I think at this time - all things considered - if I were the AD I'd give Fickell a three year deal and hope for the best. He deserves a legitimate shot at it after the NCAA is done with y'all.
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He had newton to succeed Tebow, he just couldn't behave. My concern with Meyer is whether he can successfully adapt his offense when the talent doesn't quite fit. I also question why Brantley was recruited.
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Well, Woody never wore long-sleeves on the field, regardless of how cold, and I'd bet that Tress mowed his lawn in a sweater vest (maybe over a t-shirt though), and now this young 'un likes his rock concert tee's....

Getting too old for this [Mark May]. Let's go back to wearing a coat and tie on airplanes, having female attendants in hot pants and go-go boots, and 50 cent beers......waddya say Buckyle?

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: (Here's where Coach Fick breaks into song ---'I gotta be me!')
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calibuck;1950500; said:
Well, Woody never wore long-sleeves on the field, regardless of how cold, and I'd bet that Tress mowed his lawn in a sweater vest (maybe over a t-shirt though), and now this young 'un likes his rock concert tee's....

Getting too old for this [Mark May]. Let's go back to wearing a coat and tie on airplanes, having female attendants in hot pants and go-go boots, and 50 cent beers......waddya say Buckyle?

:gobucks3::gobucks4::banger: (Here's where Coach Fick breaks into song ---'I gotta be me!')

I can get a thirty pack of Natty for about fifteen bucks, give or take. So you're not as out of touch as you thought!
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