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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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1. Interim tag removed, but not quite permanent.

2. Recruits bailing out en masse.

3. Taylor Swift concert.
Dr. Saturday's blog has definitely been an emotionally charged one when it comes to Ohio State recently. I wouldn't take anything they write worth much, they are quite subjective at the moment and I'm not sure why. Graham Winston and Matt Hinton have written in favor of Ohio State getting smoked by the NCAA and have not really written anything substantial but repeating the innuendo out there. Granted, they are a blog and don't need to be objective but they simply aren't anywhere close to unbiased on the situation. I personally think it is a blog with a southern bias.

The recruits haven't bailed out en masse. Ohio State has gotten a decommit from Kalis, and a transfer from Price. Dunn hasn't officially changed anything yet and may never do so. Dodson, Pittman and Strobel were never Buckeyes to begin with. But the overall trend of tOSU recruiting having suffered, I would probably agree with.
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jwinslow;1945313; said:
Penn State used to be unbelievable, then they joined a real conference. It isn't just the big two either, Iowa absolutely owns them.

To put what jwins said into perspective, here's PSU's record against OSU, UM, and Iowa since joining the conference in 1993:

OSU: 6-12 (2-7 since 2002)
UM: 6-10 (had lost nine straight until DickRod took over at UM)
Iowa: 5-9 (1-8 since 2000)

My math says 17-31 in-conference against Ohio State, Michigan, and Iowa. Not very good for a team that was supposed to take over and dominate the conference from day one...
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Luke Fickell addresses situation at Ohio State

by DP Show on June 28, 2011 in Dan Patrick Show

New Ohio State coach Luke Fickell joined the show to talk about what it means to take over after everything that?s gone on in Columbus.

Fickell said he hasn?t talked to Jim Tressell face to face since Memorial Day when he got fired. Fickell said as far as he knows he?s allowed to talk to Tressell.

Fickell said that Terrelle Pryor called him, but he was at a Taylor Swift concert and didn?t get a chance to talk to him. Fickell said he would want Pryor to know they wish him the best and want him to come back an finish his education.

Fickell talked about some of the pitfalls players face in Columbus, because the fan base is so passionate. ?They love their Buckeyes,? Fickell said. ?There are some things you have to be aware of. People don?t understand NCAA rules.?

Fickell said he doesn?t know what the NCAA is going to do. But he?s just trying to focus on his job, and let other people take care of that.

Fickell said he had no doubts about taking this position. He played at Ohio State and working there has been his life. He also said that if you put all the Big Ten coaches into the Octagon, he?d come out. He said his 18 years of wrestling would help.

Radio interview (click on link)...

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Diego-Bucks;1946221; said:
The recruits haven't bailed out en masse.

I'd say they pretty much have. That doesn't mean the sky is falling, but 2012 is likely to be a forgettable year for recruiting unless some of these guys return to the fold, whether because of:

o fabulous season under Fick followed by his being named permanent HC, or

o whatever, followed by Urban Meyer being named permanent HC.
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I'd say they pretty much have. That doesn't mean the sky is falling, but 2012 is likely to be a forgettable year for recruiting unless some of these guys return to the fold, whether because of:

o fabulous season under Fick followed by his being named permanent HC, or

o whatever, followed by Urban Meyer being named permanent HC.
Bailed out en masse though? I get what you are saying, but the loss of Price (waivering before Tressel left) and Kalis isn't en masse. Dodson wasn't offered until the day he committed. Pittman/Strobel were never in the Scarlet boat, and they were Dlineman in a deep DL rotation at Ohio State. En masse happens soon-ish, but the 2 guys so far don't a trend make... yet.

And honestly, 2012 being a forgettable class? What exactly needs to happen to make it a notable class? Kalis is the single bail from the 2012 class, so would you say that if he comes back then its a notable class? Or if he's replaced by other linemen? Or if we get commits from some national kids? I'm completely comfortable with the 2012 class except for one position: Offensive Tackle. If its addressed, then this class seems just fine to me.
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Diego-Bucks;1946316; said:
And honestly, 2012 being a forgettable class? What exactly needs to happen to make it a notable class? Kalis is the single bail from the 2012 class, so would you say that if he comes back then its a notable class? Or if he's replaced by other linemen? Or if we get commits from some national kids? I'm completely comfortable with the 2012 class except for one position: Offensive Tackle. If its addressed, then this class seems just fine to me.

This isn't directed at MaxBuck, but people were bitching about 2011 being a "forgettable class" as well. It seems that people aren't satisfied with a recruiting class unless it is loaded with a bunch of "nationally recognized" players, aka players like Terrelle Pryor that wait until the last minute and make an extremely public commitment that everyone can see and talk about.

Then people bitch when said recruits are prima donnas that crave attention and put their own interests ahead of those of the team.

Give me the players currently in the 2012 class any day of the week. They are all Buckeyes and they are all team players.

The national recruits are nice from time to time, and Ohio State will obviously continue to pull them in (Curtis Grant), but the players already in the 2012 class and the ones that largely made up the 2011 class are what championships are built on.

Elite national players are just the icing on the cake, and as Pryor has shown all too clearly, sometimes they ruin the cake rather than making it better.
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MaxBuck;1946306; said:

I'd say they pretty much have. That doesn't mean the sky is falling, but 2012 is likely to be a forgettable year for recruiting unless some of these guys return to the fold, whether because of:

o fabulous season under Fick followed by his being named permanent HC, or

o whatever, followed by Urban Meyer being named permanent HC.

When is signing day for the 2012 recruits? Did I miss it already? Recruiting classes are usually judged 4-5 years after the sign. Not 9 months before they sign. We have all seen "great" recruits (and classes in general) fizzel out while forgettable ones take off.

MaxBuck;1946306; said:
fabulous season under Fick followed by his being named permanent HC, .
He is the "permanent" head coach. Or at least as permanent as head coaches get. I think you mean that he would get a contract extension. Then again, having a long term contract does not make a coach permanent. See the "Jim Tressel (former head coach)" thread.
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[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCemkExhJcY"]YouTube - ‪Luke Fickell Answers Questions and Has a Few Laughs‬‏[/ame]

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvnhaWfUkUo"]YouTube - ‪Luke Fickell Meets the Press‬‏[/ame]
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I can't believe that nobody has followed up on this response of Luke's yet:

Fickell said he had no doubts about taking this position. He played at Ohio State and working there has been his life. He also said that if you put all the Big Ten coaches into the Octagon, he'd come out. He said his 18 years of wrestling would help.
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