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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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BengalsAndBucks;1946468; said:
This calls for a bracket.

It would obviously be Fick and Fitz in the finals.

Bielema is big, but he's soft. Ferentz wins fighter of the tournament despite not making the second round.

My money's on Fick delivering his patented Buckeye Bomb two minutes into the second.
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BengalsAndBucks;1946468; said:
This calls for a bracket.


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NateG;1946491; said:
So are we voting??? If so I'll put my first round results down.

Zooker, Hoke(he is used to being around fecal matter), Dantonio, Hope.

I think Dantonio bows out with his ticker problems.
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Pelini and Fitzgerald would be a war. I'm guessing that Bo gets DQ'd for some type of illegal contact.

Watch out for Zook. The guy's got a lot of talent, just lacks technique.

Put a double quarter pound cheeseburger outside of the ring for the Bielema-Hoke match. Winner takes it.

In the end, Fick would win, but Ferentz would be named the most outstanding performer for doing more with less.
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Ohio State football: Fickell adjusts to elevated status
Thursday, June 30, 2011 03:08 AM
By Tim May

Kyle Robertson | Dispatch
Ohio State football coach Luke Fickell joins the action on the field during the FUNdamentals Football Camp he's put on for 12 years.

Kyle Robertson | Dispatch
Fickell shares the stage with Crew President and GM Mark McCullers, second from right.

Kyle Robertson | Dispatch
Twin sons Aydon and Ashton Fickell, along with a cousin, try to take down their father at his football camp at Weaver Middle School in Hilliard.

Before the start of the Morning Sports Report at the Hyatt Regency, Fickell is busy rubbing elbows.

Luke Fickell is a big deal now. His longtime friend Mike Vrabel can tell.

For 12 years, the two have hosted the FUNdamentals Football Camp for kids in Hilliard, along with former Ohio State football teammate Ryan Miller. The event is a fundraiser for their Second and Seven foundation, which distributes books and promotes reading in public schools.

When Vrabel was part of three Super Bowl-winning teams at New England, the attendance at the three-day camp skyrocketed, testing its capacity of about 300 children.

But Vrabel said he's never seen anything like what he witnessed late yesterday morning during the final camp session at Weaver Middle School. It wasn't that the crowd of children was larger, but when Fickell stepped up to speak, there was silence.

"Today, they sat in front of the tent, and I didn't see grass flying up in the air, I didn't see guys turning around, I didn't see somebody smacking somebody next to them," Vrabel said. "So that tells me at least there is a presence there that they recognize, that he's the head coach at Ohio State."


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