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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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I think Fickell is on the right track by getting Vrabel as the LB coach. I'm sure just having that extra set of eyes will be great on the technique aspects alone. I'm curious as to what Fickell will need to do to keep the job after this year. Does he have the cache it takes to be the HC after this year is over? I don't think he would have gotten this job this year if Tressel had really resigned on his own, do you? I know he was kinda being groomed for it for down the road a few years though. Is this too soon for him to get it for good?

I'm a little stumped because from what I've read, he was the Co-Defensive coordinator, but the other D Coordinator pretty much called the shots for the defense. So what exactly does Fickell bring to the HC position when he wasn't even the #1 Def coordinator? I will be hoping for the best this year and we'll all see what he has. I will be rooting him and the Buckeyes on.
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boji2512;1952365; said:
I know he was kinda being groomed for it for down the road a few years though. Is this too soon for him to get it for good?

I'm a little stumped because from what I've read, he was the Co-Defensive coordinator, but the other D Coordinator pretty much called the shots for the defense. So what exactly does Fickell bring to the HC position when he wasn't even the #1 Def coordinator? I will be hoping for the best this year and we'll all see what he has. I will be rooting him and the Buckeyes on.

Few things. The main guys on the staff were likely going to be leaving within a year or two with Tressel. So the #1 DCor you were talking about (Heacock) the O cor (Bollman) were likely gone within the year. So instead of going through a long drawn out search for a coach now, without knowing the penalties, they picked the best option of the highest on the staff. Hazell moved on(could have had a shot at the position). Fickell is the best choice of the remaining. Young, fiery, something to prove, gets the rivalry, played here, coached here for a long time. He was the right choice in this situation. At the end of the year, I hope he forces their hand to hire him full time. That would mean tOSU had a great year.
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That is a bad boy.

Like the way he approaches the match. All business, no showing off after the win, no glaring or intimidation before the match....

.....well, no intimidation except for the three years being undefeated with two prior state titles. :lol:
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As champion wrestler, football player or coach, OSU's Fickell has never run from challenges
Sunday, July 24, 2011
By Tim May

Fred Squillante | DISPATCH
Luke Fickell's mental toughness will help him as Ohio State coach, his high-school football coach said.

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Fickell was an all-star wrestler at DeSales.

Jonathan Quilter | Dispatch
He joined the Ohio State coaching staff in 2002.

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Fickell made 50 consecutive starts for Ohio State.

At age 6, Luke Fickell seized upon his life's ambition and, his mother recalled, he stated it with conviction.

Was it to pursue a career in college football coaching? No, that came a lot later. Was it to be named, at 37, coach at Ohio State? No, that was as a matter of happenstance after Jim Tressel resigned May 30 in the midst of an NCAA investigation, with Fickell being elevated from assistant coach to guide the program through the tumult.

At 6, he had barely even shown signs of becoming one of the great high-school heavyweight wrestlers in Ohio history. At that point, he had other plans.

"He aspired to be like Evel Knievel," his mother, Sharon Fickell, said. "We were watching something about Evel Knievel on TV one night and Luke said, 'That's what I'm going to be when I grow up.'"

Knievel was the daredevil motorcyclist who attempted jumps over cars, buses, casino fountains and even the Snake River Canyon, often with bone-breaking outcomes.

"And I was like, 'Luke, you're supposed to want to be a doctor or something, and you say you want to be like Evel Knievel?'" Sharon Fickell said. "But he just liked the adventure part of it."


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Time to "Kick some A" during the upcoming time slot.

Get ready for Jim Tressel questions, I guess (which is understandable). Imagine Luke was coached or trained up like the Manchurian Candidate for this (questions).
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The OSU coach may have changed but my desire to see them snap into a Rick Flair monologue and call out the other coaches remains. It would have been funnier with Tressel but I'd still pay big money to watch it with Fickell.

"Bielema, Bielema, get out here boy! I was a better wrestler than you, a better football player than you and I'm already a better coach than you! Woooh!"
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