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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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Great managing of the 1st half! Good choice to go for it on the first 4th and 1. Would have liked to see them run the ball up the gut for the second 4th and 1, but I'm perfectly content with a FG attempt in that situation, from that spot on the field.

Look for more #5 in the second half. I'm thinking Bauserman gets one more series to score.
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Coach gets an A+ today.

Hope to see this coaching crew around for about the next 25 years. With Coach "Fick" and Coach Vrabel at the helm, it's refreshing to see TRUE BUCKEYES running the show. LOVED these kids as players, RESPECT the hell out of them as coaches.

CONGRATS! And keep'em coming!:oh:

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