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(Duplicate) Defensive Coordinator Luke Fickell (official thread)

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Toledo will be a more realistic test, picked to win the MAC, put up 51 points Thursday night. Still OSU did not disappoint, Fickell did well to show he can do the job. Total yards, 517-90, playing more true freshmen than I've ever seen for a first game. :)
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Steve19;1982229; said:
In the international feed, we often catch 10-30 seconds of time in the booth when the announcers think that they are not live. I heard Urban Meyer getting really excited about Braxton during two of those breaks. The first time, he distinctly said, "Now that's my quarterback!".

Which break? I didn't catch him saying that...
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Love this pic...

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I know its only one game but i am interested to see the different play and game calls compared to when Coach Tressel was coaching. We all saw how
Tressel played it close to the vest in his play calling. Now that Fickell is at the helm i am eager to see what he will do in different situations. It should be interesting to see in the coming weeks.
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jwinslow;1982304; said:
Others that watched it on ESPN3 also reported hearing it.

It was after Braxton reversed field on the busted play and ran for 13 yards and first down. On ESPN3 they don't show the clips when they break away to Bristol for updates. During that specific one, Urban said quietly "That's MY quarterback..."
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I was at the game so I just finished rewatching the game on TV. Anyone notice the Akron coaching bitching during the handshake? Something about not liking the blitzes or something? I could have sworn Coach Fick said something in return with a scowl on his face. I like it.
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southcampus;1982421; said:
I was at the game so I just finished rewatching the game on TV. Anyone notice the Akron coaching bitching during the handshake? Something about not liking the blitzes or something? I could have sworn Coach Fick said something in return with a scowl on his face. I like it.

I saw on Twitter this morning people were saying the Akron coach was not too pleased with our late game passing & blitzing.

Of course, everyone's response was basically something about "You want that fat check?" or "Next time, come ready to play and give us a better look than THAT."
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Magua;1982357; said:
It was after Braxton reversed field on the busted play and ran for 13 yards and first down. On ESPN3 they don't show the clips when they break away to Bristol for updates. During that specific one, Urban said quietly "That's MY quarterback..."

Translation: "If I could have signed him, I wouldn't be retired right now."
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